The WoW forums are the closest thing to social media that I have. You and me just have different needs in life and whatever babbel provides I probably don’t need. And that is ok.
I just want to add, intelligence and education are two different things.
Also, intelligence isn’t just some boolean true or false concept. The brain is very elastic. Just going to college will probably raise ones IQ by some measurable amount, for example.
I believe woke have always been used as an insult towards people who exaggerated certain things, who made certain issues worse than they actually were.
One such example would be women in video games.
Or “man-spreading” in public transportation.
Woke is not signifying someone who is aware of social issues, but signifying someone who makes a social issue of something that is not at all a social issue.
If they’re broadcasting their moral stance on social media, then they are virtue signaling. Cause their act just shows them to appear to be virtuous without actually doing anything that might help the situation they are being virtuous about.
Like changing the icon on your facebook page to Black Lives Matter, yet you never go to a rally, or donate to the group, or actually do anything that is actual support of their cause. Hollow gestures used to assuage guilt.
And even wisdom is not the same as the two you mention.
you can be a college educated Einstein and have very little wisdom, that seems to come only with getting real world experience over time.
And any other opinion on the matter is absolutely dangerous.
“Virtue signaling” is expressing an opinion just to demonstrate how good of a person you are.
“Dope” has been used synonymously with “cool” since the 1980s, popularized by Hip Hop and Rap music.
“Cap” is a new one. It means sarcastic. “No cap” means they’re being serious.
“Cringe” is something that would make you physically cringe. For instance, asking the definitions of these things on the WoW forums is kind of cringe. Google works.
“Woke” means “mentally aware” and usually references being alert about the injustices of society, but can be applied anywhere.
I’ve never heard “Anti-woke” but it probably just means the opposite, or is a troll-ish version of being woke maybe.
You know…in all this time Ive never seen that movie…and I love Robin Williams
LMAO…looks like the ‘agenda’ in here is exactly as we figured…cant handle FACTS and REALITY and flag anything that exposes it
Thank you - with all my heart
From what I can tell…woke people think they are “progressive”…without realizing their ideas are in reality regressive and actually take us back as a civilization and not forward at all. Anti-woke people are not willing to go back to a lesser more degenerate way of thinking and living. Its a matter of maturity…and the reality is woke people aren’t mature enough to realize anything I just said.
Where are you going with this? Another way of not saying racist, prejudice, feminist?
Nope … Woke means following the leftist religion of political correctness.
Anti woke means not following the religion of the leftists.
They use words like sexist racist etc as buzzwords to try to make someone submit by feeling guilty.
9 outta 10 times when a wokeie calls someone one of those slurs its not even true. Its because they lost the debate because someone used reason logic and facts against their emotional false religion beliefs.
Its a matter of maturity…and the reality is woke people aren’t mature enough to realize anything I just said.
Anti woke means not following the religion of the leftists.
submit by feeling guilty.
9 outta 10 times when a wokeie calls someone one of those slurs its not even true. Its because they lost the debate because someone used reason logic and facts against their emotional false religion beliefs.
I can’t tell if you’re making this a political debate between the Republicans and Democrats?
If you are… don’t know what to say to you because no matter what I say it will be wrong.
My son told me the other day that asking that question was like Cersei blowing up the Scept and like I’d been living under a rock.
Well, 5 years ago when some person became a … of the US I did stop watching the news and got off FB the only social media I’d been part of because I saw family and friends being torn apart. I missed the whole “woke” thing that now is a part of culture. Another word to tear us apart.
I’m old now, not very, but up there - long enough to have seen this cycle of hatred before, but never, ever this bad.
I won’t be part of it. I won’t accuse anyone because everyone thinks they have the facts and refuses to listen to anything different. No compromise, and no listening - just anger and hatred.
If people who disagree can’t listen to each other without trying to prove they’re right we’re screw - ed. All of us. That scares me more than anything else.