Sounds like they're gonna nerf Delve T8 rewards

In an interview they said they thought T8 rewards made doing below M+ 7 pointless essentially. As a result I expect they’re going to knock it down a peg to either higher tier Champion loot in the vault or perhaps even lower Heroic loot. At best maybe we’ll get 1/8 Heroic I suppose if true.

  • Players hit Level 8 delves and earn powerful rewards, making it feel like there is no point in doing anything below Mythic 7, which is already fairly hard.
  • Mythic 7 isn’t the best point of entry for players, so some are hitting a cliff wall instead of doing earlier Mythic+ tiers


Kind of sucks though cause I liked getting decent loot from Delves to gear up with over time. Delves are supposed to be their own pillar and frankly shouldn’t be compared to M+ at all.

Maybe though they’re planning on also adjusting the difficulty of the lower tier M+ dungeons as well, or just do that, but I didn’t get that vibe from it.

This has been a Padgarre news bulletin stay tuned for more WoW drama.

Edit: In a more recent interview with Ion it sounds like Delves rewards are untouched in 11.1 and M+ rewards on the low end are buffed, and perhaps difficulty adjustments are going to be made instead. I expect the lowest of M+ it sounds like will be a smoother on ramp as a result.

Always good to see all the discussion around this new feature regardless.


Whelp, I hope you’re wrong. They created a popular new end-game system…and what you’re saying would essentually make it worthless.

I’m not sure how potentially getting 1 heroic item per week is problematic


I doubt they would change the vault loot from this as it’s needed for zekvir on ?? Difficulty unless they significantly nerf that as well, which would then kill delves as a system since no one would bother doing them and as it’s a main pillar and selling point for this expac I just don’t see it happening.


I really hope not, but we always knew this was a possibility, i just wish that certain groups within this game would focus on the activities that they engage in instead of worrying about what the people behind them are doing :woman_facepalming:


I can see them doing it, but I hope you’re right!


The reality is if they do, one of their new core pillar modes will get abandoned so I don’t think they will.

I could see them lowering vault gear for T8 and making the higher tiers actually worth doing maybe.


Wouldn’t be the first time they nerf one thing to try and make something else appealing.


Well if they do that’s the end of my sub.


This thing is though, most of the Delve only people are always going to be Delve only people, they’re not all going to go running to M+ if Delves are nerfed, they’ll just have one less reason to play. There is no carrot big enough to make me do M+ over Delves.


I’m relieved to be honest. Since the Brann nerfs, after which mages were tasked with facetanking all mobs, I’ve hated delves. I avoid them like the plague.

And now there won’t be a single reason to do anything above 1 level 1 delve each week for season journey progress. I like it!


I think if they nerfed it it kinda defeats the point of having delves in the first place.

Impacts my gameplay in 0 way since I’m addicted to M+ but I will miss it cause I like doing the concept of solo dungeons.

I hope they don’t nerf delves but if they do, meh.


Part of the issue is that there is no difference between the hero item and the base champion drops to someone who isn’t doing M+ above a KSM level. It’s the same loot and ends up capped at the same ilvl.

(Which makes even M+7 being relevant kind of questionable, it really starts at 8 because of Gilded Crests. 7 is only notable for the KSM achievement (or farming specific trinkets).


M +7 isn’t even all that hard. If you’ve struggled through 4/5/6 then 7 is just another bump in scaling you eventually beat with ilvl. Keep it the way it is Blizz.

If the problem is purely that the rewards need to be lower because of M+, then I guess there’s not much discussion to be had.

But if it’s about difficulty, they need to change the way Brann works. At it stands, I can level any character up to 80 in quest greens and pretty easily farm T8 delves with my level 58 Brann. Maybe his leveling shouldn’t be warband-wide. Or maybe you get a Brann power penalty if you’re undergeared or something.

Delves probably should remain at Champion level. No pointvin getting Hero gear if you’re never clearing Heroic raid final 2 bosses or m+ 8


Just shift max rewards to tier 9s and the difficulty to reward ratio would feel a lot more in line.

spamming T8s was definitely waaaaay too easy for the gear it gave.


Pretty sure they made rewards better so people would try delves, I do expect them tune them down a bit but the bigger problem for me are the upgrade tracks overlaps with current gear.


The only thing notably hard about T9+ is if you get an unlucky combo of the herald miniboss spawning directly on top of a mandatory objective that ALSO hurts. Lots of classes can’t deal with that effectively without overgearing it.


Delves are great… If they nerf rewards they nerf the game mode… I run them, its fun and I feel like its worth it. Lower the loot rewards value and I stop running Delves…that simple.


oh definitely, I actually forgot they existed after they moved them to only appear in higher tier delves lol.

The mini bosses absolutely need some tuning if they haven’t already gotten it.

Delves feel like a good proof of concept, but it feels like we’re a few iterations away from them becoming a real core pillar.