"Soulbound" quest not completing or progressing

I have also run into this bug. I cannot progress my quest experience any further within Nazmir which means I cannot leave the zone now.


Reposted with the actual character that is having issues.

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Same, unable to make progress in Nazmir past this as of 8.3 patch.


Please fix! I’m at a stand still since I’ve finished the other two zones story lines.

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Still an issue.

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Still an issue as well. Won’t let me complete it on my priest - Zaeinth on Zul’jin (won’t let me change my freaking character to anything but this stupid lowbie one) - and I’ve tried it three times now.


Broken for 2 days now fix it please bliz

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Bugged here as well

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Can confirm still bugged

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I am experiencing this bug also.

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I have the same problem.

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Yo Blizz, 2 days in a row and its still bugged… can’t progress with the zone till it is fixed!
you waiting for a official JIRA ticket to start working on this?

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Exactly the same in Quel-Thalas server :confused: bugged…

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Confirming, still bugged on Emerald Dream. Please fix… how do we get attention lol

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Same here i made a ticket and they said its being investigated and to put in a bug report to help


Having the same issue. Hopefully they won’t make us wait until Tuesday’s maintenance.

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Still broke. Yesterday and today and until this is complete, Princess Talanji doesn’t show up later in the zone quest line like she is supposed to.

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Yup, still broke. This, being a story quest, means the whole zone stops right here.


Igual que todos, desde ayer ando esperando que reparen esto y nada no puedo avanzar, la he repetido mas de 20 veces y nada

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Still an issue as of January 16, 2020 11:00AM CST.

Tried abandoning the quest, redoing, no luck.

Tried dying to her, rezzing, then “killing”, nothing.

Blizz, Plz fix man.

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