Soul reaper

I think for soul reaper being a talent should really be learned for all three specs. But with improve soul reaper passive for increasing crit damage (similar to arms excute which gives a target a debuff for increased damage from warriors excute) I think would be a better way to go about for the iconic ability.

Soul reaper cost 25 runic power and no cooldowns. Spams le as long as target is below 35%.

Just an idea for one way to go with. Would really love to have soul reaper rotation.

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if it costs RP then the bos people cant really use it

it should cost 2 runes and all damage is in the proc


I think its damage should still proc regardless of health threshold, but have it deal the majority while at sub 35%. That way it feels less all or nothing.

Yep. I’d understand if it was in the spec tree as a pickup for oblit builds but since it’s in the class tree as a capstone it should be usable to both of frost’s builds

If it actually did substantial damage, Frost would take it. As is, its not worth the GCD because it doesn’t always crit like a KM Oblit does, it does less damage than a 2H Oblit and it doesn’t proc Rime.

It would need to do like 3x the damage it does now to be worthwhile. And the delayed proc thing sucks. As-is, it is totally unusable for Obliteration specs. Especially for 2h Obliteration.

I think it should be completely redesigned.

So in other words become unusable for obliteration builds?

Soulreaper has more theme with obliteration builds, its a weapon strike, and suits the burst theme of obliteration more. Also considering its single target thats another reason it should be designed around obliteration

BoS is meant strictly for AoE, and should be bad for all things except that


ok so what about putting all the damage into the proc and the proc crits. if it kills you get runic emp and procs km and rime and if obliteration they stack if already proc’d and if it procs and fails you just get some rp

do you have any ideas on how you want it to be like?

Cost runic power (frost, not unholy), Proc killing machine during obliteration just like froststrike and howling blast do, And make it instant, no 5s delay on frost, just make it our alternative runic spender in execute range, Froststrike should be about farming pillar and doing damage, while soulreaper should act almost as a superior froststrike at lower healthpools

alternatively if it doesnt become instant proc, and blizzard wishes to keep its “identity” then just lower the time to maybe 2.5s or 3s

or make it instantly proc at another threshhold lower than 35%

So like soulreaper works as normal, 5s and then boom, but if at any point they reach 10% while soulreaper is active, its instantly consumed boom

But for frost to use it, it gotta proc obliteration

For unholy, i mean i think its fine as is, i even get way more procs in pvp as unholy than frost with it because how unholy does its damage, But if blizzard wanted to rework it anyway for funsies they could make it more of a dot for unholy, add into morbidity and function with plaguebringer


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Soul Reaper should at least proc Killing Machine with Obliteration.

At the very least