So....she will return on the Midnight expansion, right?

How about we get(and let them do their stuff) good writers that have the ability(and permission) to let characters shine. One person was responsible for what happened with her. It happened because no one under him could say anything to stop him. It sounds like they have made big changes so hopefully it will pay off. And yes, Sylv is a valuable IP character and it sounds like their corporate leaders dont want to see the story circling the drain again.

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We’re any of these examples of good writing in your head?


Just saying there’s lots of precedent and we absolutely don’t need Sylvanas back.

Might be nice to have the other blood elves get the attention, since Bliz usually only manages 5 focal characters max a patch. If it’s Haludron, Lor’themar and Rommath or Liandrin out in front with (inevitably) Alleria or Valeera for blueside or Arator on an outside chance, there’s not a lot of space for the undead airsucker.

And we all know Sylvanas sucks story attention at a level only matched by Anduin when he’s sad.

Eh… you probably meant Sadfang, right? The guy who got three cinematics, each time expressing how sad he is.

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You can have a lore character present without them being the focus. Basically everyone showed up during the Emerald dream questline to square off against fyrakks forces and nobody is complaining that Jaina Proudmoore sucked the air out of the room.

I didn’t even notice that she was there. xD

That’s right

Or I forgot again. idk… My attention to the story in this game has decreased quite a bit after the last two expansions.

I haven’t seen the meme “NOO, GOD! NO GOD! PLEASE NO. NOOOOOOOOOOO”.

Very disappointed.

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This sounds like the perfect environment to make a great story, but WoW: Midnight doesn’t need to include Sylvanas to be great. There’s a long list of relevant characters waiting in the wings to be tapped in.

I’m of the opinion the story of Quel’thalas and the Blood Elves needs to move beyond the fixtures of the past and move into the future granting characters like Lor’themar, Liadrin, Rommath, and Halduron the character development they deserve.

No, but I’m going to press charges if we don’t get a CGI scene of Thalyssra and Lor’themar doing something awesome.


Nope but you win the thread with this one!

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Where can I pre-order Knife Wife pillows?

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I only want her to return if it’s to witness the end of the entire windrunner family. The woman sent every single mortal soul to hell to be turned into slaves for a few years. She got off so easy.


And her charge is to bring back literally every single one of those souls from the Maw. The ideas some folks have about her as a character is frankly just… weird. Between saying “she got off easy” to folks writing fanfics misreading cinematics is just silly.

Yes, Sylvanas character got nuked from the path that would’ve been better for her. She’s ultimately a relatively disappointing storyline primarily because of the storyline they decided to follow rather than their execution of it. ALL of Shadowlands got screwed up between committing som universal and ultimate designer-sins and as a direct result, Shadowlands effectively only had disjointed and poorly connected stories.

When one break down each character from Shadowlands that did poorly that’s ultimately the biggest flaw. And some characters got it worse than others, the Jailor being the worst offender and Sylvanas in all honesty … she wasn’t bad. She was primarily just stuck in one of the worst situations imaginable to tie things together whilst on top of that the expansion getting cut short since precisely no one liked Shadowlands enough to devote resources into making it good.

Regardless though, it is for essentially this reason we are unlikely to see Sylvanas again as a main character in the story. Quite likely she will show up due to Anduin and her having a similar experience but the polar opposite conclusions. What is more likely is that somewhere around late The War Within to Midnight that we’ll get to see more ethereals again and more specifically the Locus-Walker.

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She may be finished with her Maw dailies, but the bar-room rumor is that she’s inked a deal to star as Valsharess in an upcoming Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark remake. So there’s a regrettable scheduling conflict with Midnight.

Note: there is no actual HotU remake that I’m aware of.


You mean like the Jailer and Fyrakk?

Hot take: the people who despise Sylvanas and never want to see her again are just as edgy as the people who love Sylvanas and think she did nothing wrong, just in the opposite direction



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I can’t wait for her to return and see people complain that she has been disneyfied and that she’s not the Sylvanas they liked.


I’m tired of Sylvanas to be honest. She is that obnoxious character that keeps coming back 'cause ‘‘muh fans’’ fan service.

She’ll probably have some major arc in midnight, end up getting a send off for her story arc to go full circle… most of what is going to happen with this upcoming ‘‘saga’’ is really tying up the story threads of the main OG characters I believe.

I honestly wish she wasn’t in midnight lol but that is just me.