So....she will return on the Midnight expansion, right?


The only thing I will accept is her taking on a “redeeming” suicide mission in which she does actually die permanently.


Lets have literally ANYONE ELSE. :cloud_with_rain:


Yep. Bring back… I dunno… Vanessa VanCleef!
She’s also edgy, but not THAT edgy and she’s not an evil Mary Sue… who is not even supposed to be responsible for all her criminal acts anymore, because Sylvie is now such a poor, innocent little lamp. :roll_eyes:


The only exception is if I get to deck her in the schnozz, and that’s both the beginning and end of her presence.


OP is right isn’t he. Oh God no… :weary:

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we will prob have a Midnight global release.

Elune will be the focus.

Nomi will be making fast food for the side quests. not badly burned this time, just random items missing in you order.

Worgen get a new “howl at the moon” ability. basically a racial personal Bloodlust except instead of haste its attack power.

ah… ah… also Deathknights get some middle thing…



Hopefully we only have to deal with Saduin for the intro to the xpac, and he gets it together after that.

And then goes to a decent barber, yep.

Should’ve died during the Sanctum of Dumb raid.



It’s been rumored among sources I trust, that killing her off was actually the plan in Shadowlands, but at some point the corporate suits sat the storytelling team down and told them that Sylvanas can’t die because she’s too valuable an IP. So yes, she literally does wear plot armor.


I’d be fine if she never shows up again and, hopefully, is hardly or not mentioned at all, anymore. Her story was so incredibly awful and in Shadowlands, it just tops it all off. As far as I’m concerned, they can bring back another over the top female villain like Azshara or someone else in midnight. Azshara was an elf, too. So there. An evil elf lady for midnight. Done. xD


She gave her life and soul defending Quel Thalas. Despite how much everyone hates her it would be bad writing not having her at least show up to defend the sunwell.


How about we leave room in the story for other characters to shine?

Let WoW: Midnight give Lor’themar the spotlight and show him as an amazing leader.


I may not necessarily consider him a very good leader, but I’d be okay with that. The guy mostly stood on the sidelines and watched most of the time. In Midnight, he can be active for a change.

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yeah, Blizz will bring her back for Midnight, and end up using her as the second to last boss of a leveling dungeon.

As a Shadow Priest, I am positively giddy over the return of Xal’atath. I hope she’s a purple elf like me.

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No worries she won’t, she died at the end of WotLK.

Now the imposter that they replaced her with, on the other hand…

Oh right, we already have someone filling that role. One can only hope that the character isn’t botched.

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I mean, the night elf demon hunters sat out BFA.

Sylvanas skipped the ICC raid entirely.

Tyrande had no opinions on Azshara.

Orcs decided going to Argus was just too much trouble.