Sorry, unholy death knights are not necromancers get over it

Incorrect. Discipline is half shadow. So Priest is 50% shadow.

What other aspects of death magic could Necromancers explore that couldn’t be explored by the current DK class.

But I’m not playing a Lich I’m playing a Death Knight. And Lich spells aren’t frost based, they are unholy based. Since Liches were Necromancers who ascended to Undeath.

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I mean, they specifically have to Create the cold to do their water walking shtick, otherwise they just fall into the lake. Also summoning giant ice paths (Used to be a giant ICE CICLE that popped up) and the aura of ice that surrounds them, but yeah their ability to Create ice seems very limited overall.

Lichs can, in most lore, use a mixture of “death” magic and “ice/frost” magic. Just depends on lichy preference. Some even use fire in certain lore.

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The Lich hero from WC3 had frost spells, and the DK frost trainer in Archerus is a Lich.

So yeah.

I just told you. The kind of spells that benefit a back line cloth using caster, not a front line plate-clad, runeweapon wielding fighter.

Cool. Name some of those spells.



But this goes along with what I’m saying.
Path of Frost is a freezing aura, they’re not creating water. Frost mages create water then freeze it.

Yea, cause some of these liches, if not most used to be mages themselves who had mastery over magic, including frost and fire.
Look, it’s really not hard to see the difference, Necromancers become necromancers by learning necromancy and focusing on necromancy, right? How do DKs become DKs? Oh yeah, they have to die and be raised as undead. So yeah, big difference.

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I mean, yes, they are.

Unholy is not entirely melee or hands on. Many spells are magic and ranged, but if you mean necromancer as Kel’thuzad is, yes, they’re not. Although I doubt we are getting that class once the next 2 expansions have nothing to do with death.

If the LK was a necromancer in your eyes, so are DKs.

Correct me if im wrong, i’m not the largest WoW lore buff, but aren’t DK’s Any risen champion, irrelevant of class. Like, couldn’t Arthas raise a sufficently powerful mage into a death knight (ANd lore wise that would translate to them having exceptionally strong spells compared to their martial abilities). Like, if he raises a monk into a death knight, they suddenly learn how to throw frost bolts and wield two handed weapons, so whos to say unholy DK’s aren’t already magi?

Please go post this the next time you see a group saying “LF Ranged DPS for X.”

The current horsemen were raised by the player. They just spend most of their time chilling in Acherus until they get bored and come help us out.

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-Instructor Razuvious (The Emblazoned Runeblade)

That’s bad logic and based on common sense. Ret Paladin has the same range as Dev Evoker does and yet we call it melee because we are used to it and it handles melee weapons.

Bad logic.

No, Ret Paladins & Unholy DK are melee, because you have to be in melee range to play optimally.

“Things that debunk my ridiculous point” is not the definition of “Bad logic.”

What if they added a fourth DK spec that didn’t use melee abilities? They could even call it the Necromancer spec.

Okay. Necro from Naxx, uses Plague Cloud, Spell Disruption, Decrepit Fever. The one from the Plague Lands dungeon, Shadow Eruption, Shadow Prison. As you can see there are plenty of options and I’m sure Blizzard will come up with even more options.