Sorry Horde

You were in my nightmares the other day, LOL!

Hahaha, I remember running into you the other day. I was looking at your name trying to figure out why I remembered it :smiley:

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1.8 million hks and you’re still a terrible player.


I switched to the EU list from that site, and holy crap, lol.

Yep lol.
I’d be lucky to hit 200k on this toon before the end of shadowlands. I already have bloodthirsty, but having 250k on a single toon would be cool.

You guys slaughtered us, it was a very very humbling experience.

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LOL. Just remember, I’m an innocent healer just surviving in a world where everyone’s trynna kill me and my friends. Don’t blame me

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Watch out bro zeela might send her boytoy army to whisper spam you for not agreeing with her…

Dont worry tho, shes too busy bashing people in epic bgs then afking out of them when losing. :rofl:

I think the point is, OP was posting to the forums to brag about what a Chad PVP player he is, when getting HKs in EBGs is about the same thing as me walking into a pre-school and fist fighting 5 toddlers at the same time, then bragging about how I’m an awesome fighter because I beat up 5 people by myself once (minus in that scenario I at least beat up 5 toddlers, the HKs people get in PVP can be acquired when they didn’t even damage anyone). Had he not shoved his chest out to brag about something goofy, no one would have said anything negative to him.

EBGs aren’t even remotely a good metric to determine someone’s skill in PVP, and even less when it’s people who queue manipulate to premade into a bunch of gearing random players to pub stomp them with comms then high-five each other over griefing people who are just trying to chill and gear their toons.

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I don’t get why she still role plays that hydra is still a thing. They aren’t. It’s like a coping mechanism for her at this point. They were bragging about wpvping and they did that twice and then disappeared because they couldn’t get the people because no one wants to associate with them.

It’s the same situation as communities like TE. They appear randomly for 3-4 months then disappear.

because they get run off servers for being goon squad cults and obnoxious?

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Yeah. TE and Hydra are definitely annoying lowlifes.

it’s like a bizarre version of life imitating art

‘wow i can’t believe i took the name and motto of a cartoon villain organization and over time i became the villain to people’

like what’s next SPECTRE? SMERSH?