Sorry Horde

I quit playing for about 7 years. I was recently looking at my pvp kills which is just over 54,000 and I was looking at how many times i’ve been killed by Horde Players which was just over 7,000 times. I knew I was lethal back in the day but I didn’t realize how lethal I was. I mean I really obliterated Horde players especially in Alterac Valley.
Does anyone else have a Ratio as good as mine? (Probably not but anything is possible.)

This is on just on my main not including my alts


How do we know that’s you?

Because I don’t have a reason to lie? I mean this was supposed to be a fun thread no idea why you are trying to bring up some conspiracy theory


Let’s see a link to your main’s armory please.

I honestly just took your word on it but why would you hide your profile?

Had a stalker for 4 months on forums.

No worries.

oh we flexxin in this thread?
Check it
We can divide total hks by total deaths to get an average hks per death which is 69 for me N I C E


Ha nice was hoping more people would post i am actually gonna keep tabs on this thread i am curious on how much people have

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WAIT I JUST NOTICED I HAVE 2021 DEATHS WTF. Didn’t even plan that lmao

Wouldn’t KB be more accurate? I mean you can sit afk at a base and get 50 HKs a game and have 0 KBs and 50 HKs.


yeah probably.
my hks/death is so high cause I main resto druid i’m way in the back playing safe lol.

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Got curious on my kills per death (kpd) math:

  • This toon: 179,261 hks / 3176 deaths = 56
  • Alt hunter Marchosias: 155,070 hks / 1651 deaths = 93

Averaged out: 334,331 hks / 4827 deaths = 74.5 kpd

You should enter a few max level bg and then post your numbers.

Things have changed…

As a healer, I dislike this thread. Those numbers are dumb

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Trimac #1536

I will be on tonight so you can show me how lethal you are, can’t wait!

I show 2448 deaths with only 307 from the opposite faction and 46,212 HKs. I think I’ve died more than that in BGs, definitely haven’t personally killed over 46k alliance I just soaked up some I was in the area HKs. I think I haven’t played Raist in a BG since MoP, maybe that’s why the stats don’t seen right. He was the first character I learned how to PvP on.

Lol the vast majority of BGs played is Alterac Valley, a 40 man… Jeez you must be so strong!

I really can’t even fathom people who try to flex 40 man raid group achievements… you are literally an NPC lol