Don’t you get HK credit when someone else kills an enemy player? lol Didn’t know that was brag-worthy.
Now you’re an undergeared scrub getting farmed by Johnny McAwesome and his divine toll one shots in full duelist gear. Zeela 2.0
Excuse me, call outs are against the forum rules.
Sincerely Johnny McAwesome.
<goes to get more popcorn
Did you finally get run off the arena forums so you decided to come troll the bg ones?
We Flithrons are still very much active on the arena forums.
We also like to actively find other threads to have open discussions with.
Why would I get run off? Us R1 Flithrons provide valuable insight and perspective in all areas. You’re welcome!
Exactly, I think they should nerf rogues in pvp!
Img looks funny
Are we discussing HKS? I have 1.889+ Million hks #4 in U.S. servers. What that proves is I’ve done a LOT of pvp and killed a lot of alliance. Is it bragworth? Is anything? Why do people want to denigrate someone else’s achievements? BTW Zeela 2.0 s pretty happy with the state of Hydra and looking forward to Blizz bringing large scale premades to Retail after TBC Classic they are launching this week. Stay tuned.
How is that even humanly possible?
Spend all day queuing 35-man premades into Epic BGs to ignore objectives and farm HKs.
How do you know you are number 4? Is there some site? And does it calculate account wide or just per character?
In fairness, Zeela has a boatload of 10/15 mans in there as well. An ungodly amount of AVs, but also a lot of regular randoms
Sorry man she has more HKs than you and more games played than you. She is a better player.
She is the most knowledgeable player in this game.
Or that is how epic BG players describe high HKs and games played
Ah so it’s per character. Not account.
Edit: found the account ranking
Check out webdog-kiljaeden I used to queue into games he was in. That guy grinds hks like it was his job lol (well before he quit).
lol yup. Epics 24/7
they only quit cause of the current pvp model