Ah, so you have fun at the expense of others. I can understand killing someone a few times, but to literally follow them around for an entire night killing them? Dude, you need to seek professional help.
It sounds like you just need to get better at the game instead of taking it out on people that are lower level than you because you are too weak to fight anyone else. You were probably a schoolyard bully in Primary school as well, picking on the little kids who couldn’t defend themselves. /clap
They didn’t though…
Maybe you played late on some, but several were progression based.
It isn’t difficult just because they can fight back, but because it takes significantly longer to find fights and they are rarely fair since most 60’s are in groups heading to dungeons. It is far more fun to fight a 1v1 with a 60 than a 30 obviously, but I would rather kill 20 30’s in 15 minutes than have 1 duel with a 60 in that time frame followed by being jumped by a full brd group.
Besides, even at 60 most fights end pretty much instantly based on who gets the jump. People have like 3k hp unless they are a warrior and die very fast. I can literally 2-3 shot clothies if I get the jump so it isn’t about people being hard to kill.
I just don’t understand the mentality here. Maybe it’s just because I’m not a loser, but I think I would have a hard time having fun doing anything that wasn’t a challenge, and just ruined other people’s days.
Hopefully not for a very long time. People need to slow down.
Or…they could just add the honor system so people have something to do?
Don’t understand what people who have no clue what they’re talking about feel they need to tell max level players how to play the game…
That’s what I’m doing, probably gonna start getting twinks ready. Just gets boring sometimes.
I mean, I didn’t even AoE grind if that’s what you’re asking? I don’t know of any other shortcuts you could have taken. It’s not hard to level in the game if you’ve played vanilla - cata before and you know the zones like the back of your hand.
Not official and wildly inaccurate, try again. That’s also taking into account the zillions of people who made characters, got to level 5 and quit 'cause the game was too hard or kept re-making new characters at 30 because they didn’t know how to play.
Look at old, unofficial, inaccurate data! Okay…?
Not the norm, but people are definitely close if not already 60. Within a week or less it’ll definitely be the norm.
How about you live your life the way you want and I’ll live mine the way I want and you not tell other people how to live theirs, deal?
Not saying rush the game, everyone at 60 is just saying “give us something to grind towards, release the honor system” it doesn’t effect you crying noobs who can’t get past level 20 anyway and gives max levels something to do. You should try not to talk about things you don’t know about.
Get past level 20?
Bro, you’re the one who probably won’t even make it too level 40. Telling someone who loves and is clearly dedicated to classic WoW to go to retail is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard a noob say to a max level.
Can you re-read that like 10 times…? “Uh dude, dedicating a large portion of your day to a video game doesn’t mean you are interested in it” uh, what the hell DOES it mean? You know how INCREDIBLY DUMB that sounds?
“Hey, just because you OPTIONALLY spend 8 hours a day taking care of animals and playing with them does NOT mean you like animals!”
Which I can agree to an extent, but attacking and griefing people only lasts for so long when all you get out of it is other people’s misery.
YOU don’t. Stop trying to speak for other players, please…unless you’re talking about the turd in your pocket, It’s so dumb to say “WE”
Uh…are you serious? Blizzard has always worked on releasing content as fast as they could with it being polished as it could be…that’s how video games work, bro.
It’s not even about enjoying the world, It’s about giving people something to do. Something I wouldn’t expect a sub 60 to ever comprehend, which is fine…but no need to talk about something you have no clue on.
Yeah, I’m SUCH a bad guy for playing the game I enjoy and having fun…what? What kind of stupidity is this?
Weird, first level 60 was a mage. Hunters are even faster. Regardless, WHO CARES?
Spending time in the forum agreeing on the suggestion of giving everyone who’s max level something to do and arguing with people who have no clue what they’re talking about*
Been doing that. Got 3 staves of jordan and a plethora of other goodies.
Been doing that since 55. We do the onyxia attunement every day, yesterday we did it twice…as fun as running around the world summoning people over and over is…
Mining is maxxed, engineering I got all the way to maxxed for gnomish stuff and already swapped back to Goblin and re-maxxed it.
That is something I need to do, thanks for the suggestion.
'Cause it would be nice to have the honor system in play.
I did. All I’m suggesting is releasing the honor system so people have something to do when they’re bored
You’re not even posting on a classic character, your opinion doesn’t even matter.
Like I said previously if you were even paying attention, I’d be 100% content without asking for even battlegrounds if the honor system was in play…but wouldn’t expect a retail player to know how to read anyway.
I mean, I did take my time and I did enjoy it. Sorry I didn’t go as slow as YOU wanted me to…? Like, what?
I mean, every expansion has always been about making anything besides the new expansion 100% irrelevant. That’s why retail leveling is so boring. You get all your core rotation skills at lvl 20 and just spam them over and over for 100+ levels.
Or I can live my life and make the suggestion of releasing the honor system so people at end game have something to do and you can live your life and not tell others how to live?
Yes you do. I’m already KoSing every noob I see anyway.
Only the bad ones aren’t 60
You uh… do realize Honor is NOT a currency in Classic, right?
You uh… do realize Honor is NOT a currency in Classic, right?
Yeah and…?
Read your post, son.
You straight up call it a currency.
But, by all means, keep on with the whiny rectal haberdashery.
Look at old, unofficial, inaccurate data! Okay
Do we have official accurate data? Cause if not I’m not sure what you want me to do to prove it as you asked.
Sounds like you’re good then! Read a book, play another game, take a shower, eat a nice meal, pet your dog/cat.
Please take a shower
But, by all means, keep on with the whiny rectal haberdashery.
Okay retail warrior, calm down and go back to your game.
My avatar does not change the fact of what I was stating. The statement would be the same even if I posted on my level 20 right now. The fact you choosing to use my avatar as a means to discredit my opinion say more about you than it does about which avatar I choose to post on. Simple fact is, some here are calling for more than just an honor system. Which makes my comment more than relevant to the subject matter at hand. Oh, I could care less how long it has taken you to level to 60. What matter is there is this mentality of people that always whine and cry for more, when they already knew going in that more was not coming on their own time table.
My avatar does not change the fact of what I was stating.
Yeah it does. Means you’re too scared to show that you don’t even play classic, yet you think your opinion should be valid on the subject of classic.
The statement would be the same even if I posted on my level 20 right now.
Nope. It would prove you’re just a retail baby who can’t get past level 20 and wants to pretend they know what they’re talking about.
The fact you choosing to use my avatar as a means to discredit my opinion say more about you than it does about which avatar I choose to post on.
I mean, I’m not wrong.
when they already knew going in that more was not coming on their own time table.
Nobody knows any dates, so crying we’ll do until it’s out. Cry about us crying all you want, though. You’re a level 20 retail baby, your opinion doesn’t matter.
I’m just waiting to hear something that actually explains why people would be against the honor system. It doesn’t really hurt anyone or promote/create problematic gameplay. It creates incentives to participate in a core part of the game for players of all levels and gives them rewards for participating. As far as I know without battlegrounds we will likely not be seeing any very high ranks so it isn’t like the rewards are going to cause imbalance.
All I’m seeing thus far is a ton of spite for people who have played the game more than they have.
Nope. It would prove you’re just a retail baby who can’t get past level 20 and wants to pretend they know what they’re talking about.
Now all you are doing is dodging for the sake of dodging. I don’t switch because I post on both sides of the game. It is far easier to post on a character that I can go back and forth with. I am not hiding anything! Oh, and for your retail comment. I started playing 2007, so I played through more than enough of the older content when I first started playing so I know how it played and in most cases, I prefer how it played to the current game. So you can pack the whole retail baby garbage!
I’m just waiting to hear something that actually explains why people would be against the honor system
I don’t think that anyone is against it, we just aren’t bitcching about it because blizzard stated that it would be a while between phases.
’m just waiting to hear something that actually explains why people would be against the honor system.
You reallyllllly can’t think outside the box even a little? LIke at all? Just because you no lifed it for a bit you expect everyone to be able to? Are you really that blind? lol. I know a lot of people especially on these boards are it’s just sad honestly.
Do you realize over half the players aren’t even close to 60 right? The only reason you want honor (you even admit you only really fight lower level players) is because you are super bad at pvp and want to abuse honor by fighting people lower level than you. Which based on how bad you sound at pvp they probably would still kill you. But nonetheless being 60 is a large advantage especially when people are trying to quest. Phase 2 will be early enough for pvp especially considering there will be no battlegrounds. So it’s already going to be hell for people trying to level. I am just happy I will get 60 before hand but I feel bad for anyone trying to level once phase 2 is released. Speeding up that process only screws over more & more players.
But hey… when all you do is think about yourself then I suppose you would not come to this conclusion.
The team working on classic is not the same team working on retail…