Hahaha ranged monks do 10% the damage of fistweavers
So true.
Mastery/gusts, vivify, invigorating mists, and zen pulse are all pretty strong right now since they removed EF and shifted power to the rest of the toolkit. I am loving it.
Thought Id miss essence font more but honestly I dont miss it at all. Celestial Conduit feels much stronger and more useful than a meter padder like essence font.
hahaha fistweavers do 10% the healing as casters. Fistweaving is for if you want to be bottom of the dps chart and bottom of the hps chart. And before you say anything. I have never once been outhealed by a fistweaver. I literally just laugh at them as I crush them. I feel like healing is more important than dps when you are playing a healer.
Monk in general is low tuned in dps everywhere. But hps wise, yulon/RM beats the crap out of Chiji/RM. So casters can heal more
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