Soomweaving is so back man!

What are these CRAZY CRAZY changes MW is getting? Mates we are beyond back, this is INSANE !

Rejoice everyone , rejoice ! Now even standing at range for a bit of resting inbetween melee action gets you good damage… ahahaha this is great !

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So, first of all, Soomweaving was never here, so it can’t be back.

That said, you ranged lovers are getting some fun new toys in this update. Congrats!


Oh man. Zen, vibing, chilling out, low APM healing without trolling the group is returning.

Can’t wait.

these changes are SPECIFICALLY targeted to folks who dont want the oppression of jadefire stomp , that they want to play yulon and deal equal or more damage than chiji and for people who even want to play at range and still contribute.

While i dont agree with the ranged playstyle since mistweaver is a melee healer, these changes are AWESOME man.AWESOME.


There are some neat options but it’s kind of hard to pick them up.

I think they need to cut some more 2 pointers down to 1 point like rapid diffusion and overflowing mists. Zen pulse talents could be merged into one.

Doesn’t look like they changed the hero talent trees to add better caster interactions.

Is this dude trying to rename a spec from his name? Lmaoo it was never a thing.


He plays a raid build in keys and claims it does more dmg than a Chi-Ji build.

He got the OOM part right though.


Come on, let grandpa tell his soomweaving “stories”.

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no bro , i played caster mistweaver in season 1 dragonflight with yulon as celestial in high mythic + keys and instead of calling it casterweaver i called it soomweaver ( the name is taken from the build not vice versa)

anyway , now that blizzard is CATERING to the caster folks , maybe you should all stop with this extreme nonsense that mistweaver should only be AT and chiji and embrace mistweaving . What wonderful changes i cant believe em still

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I just wish they would make the animation for CJL look like a green version of shaman’s stormblast from MOP. The current animation is weak.

??? Is there a blue post or something with upcoming class changes ?

My fellow gamer.

Dont give up hope. The new CJL talent is literally called jadefire teachings. There is still hope it can be recolored to green at the same time, or when time allows.

You’re doing too much bro. It’s not that deep.

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It really isn’t. Considering none of the changes really affect soo mist in any way and some of them still compete with better talents, it’s wont be really ideal to talent into them. Even if you dislike and don’t talent jadefire stomp ( like me ) chances are you still wont want to drop 2 talent points just to make CJL useful to press every 30 seconds after you tft )

Some of these changes feel more like pvp changes/updates than anything tbh.

Sootweaving enemies with lung disease :skull: :skull:

can you maybe provide a build and explain more in depth how the playstyle will look like? I’m interested in range playstyle as well. don’t like fistweaving tbh

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There is a reason i blocked him

This is an example build of a soomweaver in m+.
With the 0.5 changes its gonna become infinitely better but for now this is what it looks like.

Sadly its not a ranged build since mistweaver is a melee based healer but if you are not very familiar with melee you can stay in range bit again its not advised.

You dps via rsk/tp/bok on ST and sck on aoe .
Your main heal mechanic is popping yulon into soom( Peer into peace) then very quickly spreading enveloping mists to the party if aoe damage is going out. Then preferably you tft and either rsk envm rsk ( focused thunder + secret infusion stat buff) or envm rsk rsk ( depending if you want more crit or versa but versa in general is preferable for both offence and defence.
After you have blanketed and max extended your enmvs you can either keep shooting vivifies on any target via soothing mist( also extending Envm via tier) or calll it a day and keep dpsing since an emvm blanket is absurdly strong hps.

Sheiluns gift is either lessons (i prefer lessons for the stat buffs) or veil for extra healing but i found it not always the pick since this build can heal a ton. Its a dungeon to dungeon approach. This build cruised the hps checks on beta at 12-13-14 keys making them seem undertuned.

Another tip would be to play around secret infusion and invokers delight with lessons for dps if you see there isnt much healing to be done. Overall a great build , fully utilising the whole kit, and its gonna become insanely better in 0.5.

Last but not least Rising mist capstone is a fantastic talent for this build as it allows you to extend your envms for absurd hps( coupled with the Renm blanket and harmony it provides because envms auto apply renms and you extend them) .

You could play ToM( tear of morning) but its better suited for lower dungeons where the incoming damage is low so topping up the party is more than enough in those windows via a quick burst.

Edit: spot healing can be done via shooting tfted Envm and follow that with instant vivifies or zen pulse vivifies. Most of the time in trash packs you utilise tft for instant spothealing unless a defensive check is about to happen where you need to rsk for versa buff which is huge

Imagine being a healer who is rejoicing about the damage you can do. What about the healing? The spec feels terrible now.