Sons of Lothar Winter Veil reunion comic


I like them casually spoiling the Kirin Tor quest while people still have to wait 21 more days for it to even unlock in game.


Pretty sure the ending is different. That ultimately they decided to reform the Kirin Tor but not Dalaran. So this implies this comic happens BEFORE the actual questline(and Khadgar and co changes their minds about disbanding the Kirin Tor). Which is fitting.


The space the story takes place looks like a safehouse you can only get inside via the purple arcane key that ports you inside.

I think they just teased player housing mechanics


That doesn’t make sense. Khadgar wouldn’t say the Kirin Tor disbanded if they hadn’t decided whether to disband or not yet.

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At least this time it is in secondary material and not the opening dialogue of a world quest. Looking at you Draka spoiling Sin’dane defecting to our side after Kel’thuzad tried to usurp her in a world quest of all places.


Im going with they changed their mind. That for all intent and purposes at this point in the story the Kirin Tor was effectively disbanded but then Aethas brought them together and they collectively decided to reform it. So thanks Aethas.

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They’re not effectively disbanded at the moment. They lost Dalaran and have not yet decided what to do.

It’s in the story line that they decide not to recreate Dalaran and disband.

They shoehorned exactly one (1) Horde character into this animatic and they couldn’t even get his skin color right.



Again I am certain they dont decided to disband(unless they later changed that) and from the Spoiler I saw Jaina ends up taking up lead of the Kirin Tor.

I mean I see Baine, Mayla, Lother’mar and Thalyssra etc. So its not one Horde character. At least not for the entire comic.

I guess we’ll have to wait the arbitrary 20 days Blizzard placed on doing the quest. I would find it exceedingly odd for Khadgar to say the Kirin Tor disbanded when they hadn’t even met to discuss things yet, but Blizzard does some weird stuff sometimes.


I kind of wonder if the wait is because they made changes to the quest, so while they we know they planned on Jaina becoming the leader of the Kirin Tor again… they may have change things.

To be honest, I hope that they did because I feel Jaina being both the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras and Leader of the Kirin Tor is too much.


That was a nice little Christmas comic.

Shame they didn’t show the Forsaken in the little aside though. I picture Faranell putting Santa hats on abomination.


Who knows maybe they did. Maybe they didnt. For all we know they might make Aethas the new leader considering he is the one who gathered them but I kinda doubt it considering the discussion between Jaina and Khadgar has an actual voice file so I am not sure Blizzard will spend the pretty penny to rerecord the lines.

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I do like how Thalyssra is shown to be larger than Lor’themar.

Also, she and Lor’themar seem to be the only leaders who managed to change out of their battle armor for the holidays!


Interesting, so… what’s the chronological order of this? This after commemoration of Dalaran by the remnants of the Kirin Tor or before? Not that it matters that much but just curious.

Also I feel for Genn… how Greymane family are spending their holiday compare to others… that illustration hit me hard.


I am going before.

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I assume this comic takes place in Stormwind. So we have an orc general just casually visiting Stormwind for the holidays. This is an even bigger step towards faction peace than Alleria visiting Silvermoon.

Most likely after. It makes no sense for Khadgar to comment on the fate of the Kirin Tor before the fate of the Kirin Tor is even discussed or decided.

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To me it felt like if was after too… like there was a discussion or something off screen. Because why would Khadgar feel the need to say it so officially… but its WoW, not the first time this could be an oopps too and it was before. :laughing:

Maybe we see more or for sure after the 20ish wait for the unlock story.

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