Something overlooked in Shadow's Rising w/ Night Elves

Now… that’s a thing of our concern…

What would happen after that?

much death.
well… i take that simi back…
it could be like " poof " shes just out there chillin’ on the moon.
But I’m leaning more towards a chicken in a egg. peck peck there goes eastern kingdoms replaced by a giant face.

Forsaken can live in outer space?

or like on her eye lash.

That would be so weird…

Wait, can i build a garrison on her hips?

I don’t know what to make of this conversation.

No it wasn’t, though I get the confusion. The author, Madeleine Roux, was asked about this in an interview and stated " I’d like to rebuttal with ‘Not every character tells the truth all the time’. We’re not in Sira’s head in that moment. We don’t know what she’s thinking or why she’s saying what she’s saying. She is in a prison with a woman who is probably coming to execute her. […] People react differently in different situations. The Sira you see alone in a jail cell surrounded by enemies is not the Sira you see swaggering around in the jungle giving guff to Nathanos, right? Like, circumstances matter and context matters, so to me, in that moment […] it’s like every circumstance has to come together in that moment for [Tyrande] to not [kill Sira]. […] So that’s what I would say: people lie a lot and especially when self-preservation is potentially on the line. So yeah, and I think hopefully it’s obvious that Sira does not act the same way in that scene as she would if she was with her allies. She’s responding to context, is what I would say in that scenario."

The link the full interview in question (remove spaces): https ://tgistudios. com/faz/episode-127/

What? Raising against your will != having complete control.