Something must be done about Eagle Eye farming dominance

SoD has done a lot to equal out the classes. Nothing has been done about hunters compete dominance over the black lotus/RTV farm. Other classes cannot compete against hunters who can check every node incredible quickly without even moving.

There needs to be a BOE craft able engineering item that gives the user some form of eagle eye ability. So other classes can compete against hunters for world node farm.

Make a hunter, problem solved. If we are going to start crying about everything then lets all have the same skills and let us choose which ones we want at that point. You can’t have everything, even tho you can stealth and walk through enemies and I can’t because that’s a rogue thing only.
In fact I’d said using stealth for pick ups is prob most broken than eagle eye, is not like the skill does teleport you to the place, you know?


Do shaman not have far sight in vanilla or was that a TBC thing?

something must be done about the only worthwhile PVE application of this Hunter skill.


Sure, give Hunters Camouflage or better yet, uninstall and go play Cataclysm.


Shamans would like to have a word with you.

Thanks for sharing too.


Hunters can use pet to aggro and just feign death to drop aggro way shorter CD than vanish.

i often abuse hunter bots in azshara for rtv nodes in bay of storms. they typically dont have the the hydraxian boots and have to swim to the node. just sit on top of one mounted and when they move in the direction of the node beat them to it.


Use your brain here buddy I’m talking about the classes that don’t have it, not the ones that do :rofl:

Black lotus drops from random hie level herbs.
I manage to nab 4 in less then a 40 min from plagueblooms/tears in WPL.

Most have bots or toons on every node to get as soon as they spawn

Took you 5 days to respond, buddy.

English must not be your first language if you’re telling me to use my brain …

Please heed your own advice and use your brain when typing.

Thanks for playing. I’m sure it’ll take another 5 days for you to respond again. I’ll not be responding back though. Feel free to have the last word when you’re able to sound out what I’m saying.

Come back and read your entitlement.

What does entitlement have to do with a timeframe in responding to another person on the forums?

Don’t worry. I have a three day weekend and check the forums intermittently. I’ll wait for your attempt at mental gymnastics in trying to correlate the two together.

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Something must be done about all the posts whining about what other players characters are capable of, it all reads like a toddler crying about the neighbors kids bike having a cooler sticker


Because he isnt beholden to you to respond as if youre the great leader or something.

Pretty much nailed that.


Did you just assume their gender?! :scream: REPORTED.

Sure you did.

Generally speaking it doesn’t take someone 5 days to come up with a response to someone on the forums - especially on a thread they created.

It didn’t take you 5 days to respond. Does that mean you’re beholden to me?

Something tells me you’re the petty type who will wait 5 days now to respond. Let’s see. :smirk:

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The best part is you think you’re genuinely clever.

Loud buzzer noise

Why is it a problem if the hunter can see nodes from far away? You still have to travel to them, and they have 0 advantage over other classes in that aspect.
