Something must be done about Eagle Eye farming dominance

I don’t need to think, I know. :sunglasses:

Well I can tell you dont, you might wanna try it.

Someday you’ll be on my level. Until then, you’re dismissed. :wave:

I’d have to dig pretty far down to get on your level.

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I already dismissed you.

Cringe. I thought you were done responding?

“Cringe” … :joy::joy::rofl::rofl:

I stated I was done responding to the OP, who took 5 days to respond to me.

Generally, it’s appropriate to be courteous and respond back to people who take the time to direct commentary toward another person. Much like I’m doing here (against my better judgement).

I’m sure you needed my attention too, so I’m obliging you. We’ll see if I decide to respond back again though.

Sounds like you need to make a farming alt hunter! Why are you using gathering on a rogue ? lol you should be using other professions to boost dps in raids and not grief. Hope you have a great day Mirage! :people_hugging:

Y’all really will find ANYTHING to complain about when it comes to Hunters.

Lmao 10char


Hunters have had a gathering advantage since phase 1. They could kill mobs much, much higher than them, where a caster couldn’t barely if at all damage a red con mob. It is SoD

They could just make the nodes not appear on the ground or on the minimap when using Eagle Eye/Far Sight. I think that would be a better “fix” than creating some new eagle eye equivalent engineering item


That’s literally the value that comes from ever training the ability in the first place.

Is this your first classic experience? Take that advantage away and nobody will ever train it similar to training resurrect on hardcore. Nobody is going to train eagle eye to go sight seeing

Is this your first classic experience? There are many uses for eagle eye besides farming herbs lol should take a look in the mirror with that one

Yeah other classes can’t compete that’s a true statement, I didn’t say all classes other than hunter can’t compete. I dont think I’ve seen someone so desperate for attention on the forums.

Hey! It’s not 5 days later!! I’m so proud of you.

I think you mistake politeness for attention seeking. I started out very courteous, then you and the other individuals opted to go sideways so I obliged you all in providing the same courtesy.

Then you should understand that post maker can only replay to 1 comment before having to wait. Have some patience for thread limitations thanks.

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There’s literally not. I don’t farm anymore and mine isn’t even on my bars.