Something is wrong with The War Within

I would contend that if the customer says something is wrong, you should take it seriously. Maybe they are taking it seriously, but we most likely won’t know until 11.0.5. I think a lot of your points are valid, but we have to remember that each player engages with the game differently for different reasons. If you peruse the forums or Reddit you’ll see people say TWW is both the best expansion and the worst expansion. I’m not sure either take accurately voices the opinion of the majority, but that doesn’t discredit those views. WoW is a videogame, but it’s a paid subscription and some people spend a lot of time in the world. IMHO, the focus of Blizzard should be to make the game fun for the largest cohort of players. So which cohort is the largest? I personally think it’s someone in their 30’s - 40’s who is trying to have a good time after work or on the weekend. I have no clue how many hours a week these people log or their performance in M+. I’m not even sure what portion of beta testers comes from this population. A lack it beta testers that represent the actual population could be why we see such variability in experiences. If you’re only testing your product on streamers and high end players, you’re only getting input from a very small portion of the population and basically introducing sampling bias. It sounds like they didn’t even take their feedback seriously though. I guess some affixes were different on the beta and they didn’t really ask for feedback on delves. I’m with you on some of the issues. Some M+ seems over tuned, delves were a wild card and quickly get boring, and some hero trees/talents just don’t make the cut. I don’t think the game is unplayable because it’s still fun, but it could certainly be better. Seems to be the story of WoW for a while now, fun but not reaching its potential. My personal opinion is they have people in decision making positions that think they know what the player will enjoy better than the player knows they they will enjoy, so they ignore certain feedback.

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“The zones are beautiful”

Brothers theres 4 of them. We used to get 10.

It’s always been this way. They had an issue where Azur Span was unplayable when the cooking thing happened. Blizzard has always been cheapskates for their servers so they can’t handle more than 20 people doing the same activity in an MMO.

I’m gonna be honest, there’s just two things that feel bad to me:

  1. The forums
  2. PUGs.

Both involve strangers on the internet.

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Materials and consumables you need also cost far too much. Crafting is convoluted and takes too much.


No mention at all about crafting requiring way too many mats? I mostly feel alright about TWW, but uh yeah WQs need some work. Also renoun seems hard to get ahold of? I remember world quests giving rep every time.

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To be fair, these zones are also massive.

I would rather have 8 zones than 4 large zones.

Reaching new zones was fun. And it gave leveling on alts way more replay value.


All I have to say is warband. My entire account being linked through achievements, content, inventory, and currency shadows the entirety of your post, to me. Sorry. :woman_shrugging:t3:

No one is reading all that whining bruh

This right there, DF S3 was the most fun i had with M+ ever

TWW S1 is literally hell with pugs

The Wrong War Within


I was very optimistic for m+. Season 3 DF should be the golden standard moving forward. When they announced the changes i was ecstatic. I thought my god df s3 coupled with no affixes and a good increase in difficulty with tyra and fortified? Heaven. Little did i know that they cranked up the difficulty so much while gatekeeping everyone at 9-11 level that its virtually impossible to get into a +12 key, let alone time it.

Level squish was healthy,removal of affixes was healthy, but the insanely steep difficulty of 12+ is not. Just keep the kiss/curse seasonal affixes at 12+ and remove xalataths guile and season will be saved pretty fast

one of the big reasons Im not playing is the hero talents
instead of spending their time improving outdated talent trees and fixing some specs, they want to reinvent the wheel, they created a whole new concept and handled it poorly, some specs have cool interactions with hero talents, but only a few of them (the most popular) both the gameplay and the class fantasy seem generic and poorly made, why have hero talents?
for example, frosfire mages ice spells conjuring meteors and all
meanwhile, hunters is '‘kill command makes the next kill command hit harder’ like, bruh

every time this happens it makes the game a chore, like the first patch of sl with covenants, or azerite…or artifact power, df was cool, but they cant chill out for once, they feel the urge to try new concepts to hype us

tww would be thousand times better without them


10000 Timmys is $150,000

Not just going to disagree with you, but I’m going to completely 100% disagree with you. Well except for the communication. Since Ghostcrawler left communication from Blizzard has been bad and it has slowly gotten to be non-existent since Lore left. So I guess 90% disagree with you.

and those Timmys quitting is figured into their numbers… It is when the Timmy’s they don’t figure that will quit is when they get worried. Like when they tried to take away flight in WoD.

Is it, though? I don’t have any problems with it but… the best-made?

When a customer says something is wrong, they are almost always right [about their own feelings].

That doesn’t mean they are right overall. If that’s the case, then all the people that say TWW is “right” are wrong and that’s absurd.

Stopped reading because that’s an objectively wrong statement.