Something is seriously wrong with new player experience in Shadowlands

I played all through Shadowlands when it was current, and after a while we earned the ability to use “Threads Of Fate” for alts, which allowed us to skip the whole Maw intro quest line and start in Orbits with choosing our covenant.

Not too long ago, Blizzard removed the Threads of Fate option and put in a new set of into quests which all take place in Bastion (no choice of zone, only Bastion).

A few months ago I took an alt thru the new Bastion quest line, and at the end I was able to chose Night Fae as my covenant (character = Zmoreura, Area 52 server).

Today I took another alt to Shadowlands (Katanna, Wyrmrest Accord) and in Oribos they start a quest line, took me to Bastion, and went on and on and on - easily twice the number of quests as the last alt, and took twice as long. In the end, I was sent to the Kyrian convent without even asking me which covenant I wanted. I don’t know if this is an intended change but its not good!

Once I realized what was hapening I went back to Oribos with the intention to change covenants to Night Fae but there is NO way for me to do that because theres nothing where the covenant stations should be in Oribos - nobody to talk to either.

Now I’m stuck! I do NOT want to keep questing in Bastion (hate that place!) I already out in nearly 3 hours and I just want to choose Night Fae and finally see world quests. What do I do?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

If u have chromie time u can do that till u hit 60.

Huh? What do you mean? The character in question is level 56 I believe.

If you want to do a diffrent expansion and avoid shadow lands see chromie outside the sw embasssy and you can do a different expansio till 60then do dragonn flight.

But I want to play Shadowlands, only as a Night Fae not Kyran.

I just changed my timeline to Sl (via Chomie) and will see if I can switch covenants now :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

Answer: nope :frowning_face: still no covenant representatives in Oribos, only Tal-Inara. Booo!

With Dragonflight, Shadowlands has been brought into line with the other leveling expansions so in most cases the “end game” content won’t be available until you are level 60.

So in this case, selecting your covenant will require you to reach level 60.

From what I can see, Catelan, Katanna is near the end of the Bastion section of the story campaign (which hasn’t changed in length, by the way). The quest in your quest log right now, “Fight Another Day”, is about 4 or 5 quests until you move on to Maldraxus.


Catelan, the short answer is you have to plug on until 60 before you have the option to really pledge your character to a covenant. What you are experiencing now with your character is the sort of “try it on for size” version of covenant pledge.

What I state hereafter was learned the hard way. Benefit from my mistakes:

Once you ding 60 on the character, a quest will pop up sending you to Tal-Inara to choose your preferred covenant. If you see the option to skip into Zereth Mortis, DO NOT SELECT IT! wait until you are pledged and sent by the covenant you chose to speak to Bolvar Fordragon.

IMPORTANT: When you do speak to him, he will have a skip option to jump ahead to Korthia, take this option BEFORE you speak with Tal-Inara and select the skip into Zereth Mortis. This is the way of it now or your character will have to repeat ALL the zone quests in the Maw and Korthia.


Many thanks to Vrakthris and Tendric, I had NO idea the character needs to be 60 to choose a covenant. I guess I’ll go back to BfA and get her to 60 before going back to SL. I just hope I haven’t messed things up starting SL prematurely.

once u hit lvl 60 just turn on low lvl quest tracking once u hit 60 and ull see those quests.


You have… though it isn’t your fault. Their communication o nthis was awful (they meaning Blizz) I made this error also, entered at lvl 55, and actually didn’t go back until I hit 70 and there is no getting around you needing to do the ENTIRE questline as if you were a brand new account. You resume exactly where you left off.

I was VERY upset when it happened to me, so I feel for ya.

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That is intended, Notono. Shadowlands is no longer current content so there isn’t a means to skip the entire story anymore. Just as it isn’t possible if you were questing through Battle for Azeroth, Legion, Burning Crusade, etc…


That is actually a fair point, for some reason Shadowlands just registered as different in my brain…though I guess in the end it is the same.

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I agree with you - it’s terrible!

I’ve been playing this game 17 years and this change to Shadowlands is in the top 10 worst decisions ever. After all, when you hover over the Shadowland zones on the map it says the SL zones are for character level 10-60, which is GREATLY deceptive. I feel bad for actual new players who try to play wow.

As for my character, I may just hang her up to dry as I do NOT want to go through more of their nonsense.

That may be the way it is but it still makes NO sense for players who have already gone through the whole Shadowlands experience and earned the “Threads of Fate” to throw them back into a newbie experience. They dangled a carrot, made us work for the reward, then arbitrarily took it away. The is the OPPOSITE of good customer service!

I will NOT trust Blizzard in the future to be fair or make good decisions.

… uh.

How it is in any way related to customer service is baffling.

It is game design. The only constant in game design is change. They are not comparable.


This actually has nothing to do with Customer service though. It’s a design decision.

Not sure how everyone being treated the same (as it’s how the game was developed for everyone) is unfair? Not liking the design decision is fine, even understandable. But the best thing to do is provide your feedback via the in-game suggestion feature so the developers can actually see it.


I’m sorry it doesn’t seem to make sense to you, Catelan. We’ve tried to explain it, but how you view it and how you react to the functionality, we have no control over.

The following was posted by Development about it:

Nothing of the kind happened. Just because you don’t understand and/or agree with the change doesn’t mean it was at all arbitrary.

It has nothing to do with customer support, this is game content and design. If you wish to provide feedback to our Game Developers, you’ll want to post in the General Discussion forum or submit your suggestions via the in-game browser via the Support button.