Something i have noticed about Void Elves

Ah, well Aliliice, you can have a tail and be a void elf druid if you want, that way you’ll have a pair of wings to fly without breaking the lore. :slightly_smiling_face:

What about the immersion of the Blood elf druid, or the void elf paladin? What about their fantasy, and their enjoyment of the game?

If you don’t want to interact with a Blood elf druid, you can avoid inviting them to your groups, you can avoid interacting with them, and you can leave each other alone.

You see your immersion as valuable, your fantasy as valuable, but the enjoyment of the other players are no less valuable and there needs to be give and take in that. It is entirely possible for you to tailor your play experience around their existence without stepping on their blood elf druid fantasy or their void elf paladin fantasy.

What I’m talking about is a compromise so that both sides can share this space we all love. What the people who immediately jump to no are doing, is shutting down the space for the opposing argument and telling them their immersion isn’t as valid as yours.

You can tailor your own play experience the way you want, and surround yourself with who you want to surround yourself with, without shutting down someone else’s in game fantasy. Your immersion is just as valid as theirs, and WoW is big enough for both to exist.

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Blizzard probably holding out on Void Elf Paladin until the Light and Void expansion.

I know right? How dare they think their immersion should be more important than ours! They should stop this nonsense and just give us whatever we want even though it means giving up on theirs.

Preach brother.

Void elf druids? Nonsense, and also… Don’t listen to anything Racquel says. That hat of hers has too much mercury in it.

I agree, though as I mentioned, I doubt very much Blizzard would actually implement a Paladin of such a flavor. Especially if its only for one race, on one faction. Now if they ever delve into class customization as a whole, then it might be more likely to see happen.

No they aren’t. Tauren and Troll paladin say hello.

FYI, if it isn’t obvious enough, every single one of my posts in this thread is sarcasm, except this one of course.


People can say that’s not how the lore is all they like, but they’re wrong. Paladins as a group were literally formed by priests as warrior protectors out of priests.


Light forged DK’s would agree with you, but that doesn’t make it right. Blizz likes to cherry pick their own retconns and lore destruction.

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It’s the same reason why worgens can’t be paladin, because we’re unstable.

I didn’t read any of those WoW novels but here’s a passage someone shared with me that I really like:

I think it was put together very neatly but whole post is kinda long so to summarize it:

That is, if you’re not one of those people who says something like “LOL LORE”.


No, I actually do care about lore to some extent, but at the same time I am not one who thinks it has to be set in stone and unchanging either, and yes the thing I said about void elves being priest was more a jest about the game mechanic than actual thinking that them being able to be a holy priest justifies them being paladins.

I guess, in a way, you could say I’m a roleplayer poking a bit of fun at those who aren’t (which are usually the ones who say “LOL LORE”) and also having a bit of fun with my fellow roleplayers and/or people who do care about lore too (like if you didn’t know, Aliliice is my void elf and yea I did pick up you were being somewhat sarcastic so that’s why I brought in Aliliice to make snarky comments with you haha)

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Get over yourself broski. I love how you clip what I said to take it completely out of context. Truly pathetic.

Stop taking what I said about worgen to fuel your agenda about void elves. Also, there is a HUGE difference about about classes vs having a customization option that has absolutely no bearing in the game.

You don’t even know what my opinion are about void elves and other classes SO DO NOT ACT AS IF YOU DO. But for the record, I think every race should have every class available. That is my opinion. Yes, I acknowledge void elf paladins would break lore, badly.

Paladins are imbued with the Light.
Priests call upon the Light. Therein lies the difference. Void elves are of course imbued with shadow so having them imbued with Light at the same time… Yeah no.

Either way, as far as my personal opinion, it’s purely for gameplay rather than lore.

You are one salty, bitter person Mevaar. Do not bring me into other threads again.

Next they’ll give Void Elves every class in the game and you would all still cry about something else that has to do with Void Elves.

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Haters gonna hate…

That makes even less sense.

You understand a core part of being a Paladin is wielding Light, right? If they wield Void and shadow magic, they’re basically Death Knights (shadow magic users in plate) and no longer Paladins.

Death Knights use death magic, not void/shadow magic. The two are different on the wow cosmology chart.

And even if that weren’t the case. Death Knights, mechanically speaking, are not Paladins.

Well, maybe you should log in and look at a Death Knight’s spellbook. Many of their abilities are shadow magic. Death Coil, for instance, is shadow.

Unholy DK’s Mastery is literally a shadow damage buff lol

Might I direct you toward Anduin. Still a Priest not a Paladin, and he wears plate.

A roll in the hay with such an Amazonian alchemilla such as yourself? Sign me up.


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