Something i have noticed about Void Elves

Anytime there is a thread such as “how about void elves could possibly get X class added to them” there is always the naysayers who come back with basically “they are void doesn’t work” or my favourite “no” why do you want to potentially ruin someone else’s fun?

What if a valid option was brought up that might have to retcon a piece of lore (background lore that has no actual bearing on the story) would you still be negative towards this?


Classes in this game are based off of set lore, and many of us are sick of retcons ruining established lore.

I assume this is a hidden void elf paladin thread, which is utterly lore breaking. Part of being a paladin is being infused with the light and its chosen champion, and the void is opposite of light. They cant mix or it results in destruction and corruption.

And I could ask you the same question, the lore is part of what makes this game so fun for me, why do you want to ruin my fun by retconning and destroying lore just to give you a certain race/class combo?



nope not a void elf paladin thread but thanks for taking us there, no this is because i saw a thread where someone was thinking of something along the lines of a void elf shaman, that to me sounds cool. but once again as with the void elf paladin threads everyone is so negative towards it. instead of trying to look at this objectively they were flat out no didn’t like it so not going to talk about it kind of response

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I totally agree that void elves should be paladins


Let them be Void Knights, but make sure all their abilities are tinted stupid-purple and proc damageless tentacle spam like the guardian mobs infront of Skitra. Also, they can never exit their fake void-form and it’s always on.

For good measure they should also proc a random /yell of “FOR N’ZOTH!” Every now and then… Or some kinda void proclamation.


And I’m against shaman for the same reason as blood elves: Nature isnt our thing.

The elements would likely refuse to work with someone so closely tied to the void, which is known to corrupt and destroy.

And I see you avoided my counter question. Lore fans get joy out of the established lore. Why do you want to ruin my fun by forcing race/class combos that done make sense into the lore?


Blood elf posters have taken it upon themselves to decide what’s best for the Alliance. Clearly people who don’t even play the faction should have the final say on what’s added to it, and what isn’t!


Excuse you, but I too think the blueberry elves should go back to the cinematic that spawned them.

And maybe be forced to reroll.


I’m sorry want me to swap to an alliance 120? It’s possible to play multiple characters and factions. Who my forum poster is doesnt invalidate my thoughts.

Especially since all my privileges are tied to character not my account, I dont have much a choice who I can post on long term.


to be honest i missed your “counter question” a retcon isnt a destruction of lore its more a reimagining, something that doesn’t hurt the main body of lore (being the story) just an aspect.

Yea my forum avatar is BE kinda randomly my forum privileges are attached to it.

I play alliance nowadays shrug


The popular answer is because Void elves were a mistake. It’s annoying but that’s life. Just gotta roll with the punches and accept everyone hates everything.

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You expect me to bend over backwards for your fun, but I have to be willing to sacrifice and reimagine my fun?

I’d rather keep the established lore in and not force rediculas class race combos in. If this was a fight for worgen monks, or lfd monks and shaman I’d be singing a different tune. But anything nature related for void elves, or blood elves for that matter, is just silly.


the best reply to that is: Blizz has put them in to the game therefore in to the lore. deal with the fact that they are there :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably because there’s a certain subset of people on these forums that don’t want to play Void Elves at all. They just want to hijack the race until it basically becomes HEs.


The only classes left for Void Elves to get are:

  • Demon Hunter - Unlikely just by their nature, but I wouldn’t say impossible. Though it probably wouldn’t happen until the devs put the Illidari in the spotlight again and have them start recruiting in earnest.
  • Paladin - Highly unlikely due to the nature of how the Light and Void interact. It would require either an ignoring of in game lore, or a creation of new lore and perhaps void themed visuals for Void Elf paladins if they were to be a thing.
  • Druid - Highly unlikely. The Ren’dorei aren’t really nature oriented and Blizzard seems reluctant to add Druid class access to races since it requires custom shapeshift forms.
  • Shaman - Highly unlikely. The Ren’dorei aren’t really elemental oriented either.

Demon Hunter has probably the best shot of those four. So barring any new classes added to the game, it’s unlikely to see any new classes added to Void Elves any time soon.

With that said, I have no objection to new lore being added that allows for these classes to happen. A void themed Demon Hunter (instead of fel) and a void themed paladin (instead of light) are concepts that could work with lore support. Druid and Shaman just feel out of place due to their themes and natures, but if anyone could push a square peg into a round hole it’s Blizzard.

Winner winner, chicken dinner

Soo why can void elves be holy priests? Shadow priests makes sense, I’m sure you agree, but why holy? So should they be banned from the Holy and Balance specs and permanently locked to Shadow spec only, or should they be unable to be priests AT ALL?

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prep yourself for " ingame only not lore tied" excuses

Game mechanics, just like forsaken priests. They cant restrict 2/3 specs. In lore there are no, or very very few, void elf or forsaken holy priests.

And if paladins had a shadow based spec along with holy, maybe I’d say differently. But they dont. All three are tied to holy magic. And the light and void dont mix.