Someone just griefed my +15

Ret pally dies by pulling aggro on the 2nd pack of the dungeon, we brez him, he cancels it, flames the tank and just leaves. First death. Leaves. Absolutely fuming right now, ngl.

I attempt to report him, but the only two options I get are ‘Inappropriate name’ or ‘Inappropriate communication’… That’s nice.

There should honestly be some sort of punishment system, where for example, if you leave m+ while the group is under a certain number of deaths (e.g. 5 or 10 deaths), you get a warning, then if you do it again within a certain time frame, a 24 hour account-wide debuff that doesn’t allow you to enter m+ dungeons, or something rather.

What are your thoughts on how to counter m+ griefing?


I think I sure am glad I don’t run m+ at all anymore. Brings out the absolute worst behavior in the game


Do innapropriate coms and add notes of the situation. Also flaming the tank depending on language used may get him a suspension.


Kk I’ll give that a go.


Sorry to hear about your key too. Theres some folks that just ruin it for everyone and it’s just… ug.

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In Zuko: That’s rough, buddy.

Had a tank pull all the things in my dinky little Necrotic 8 right at the start, NO COOLDOWNS.

Gets immediately splattered and immediately leaves.

Lame people are lame.


There’s the first mistake.

Anyway, sorry for the busted key.

Sorry to hear that :confused: must have been a mid-Pally to not be capable of watching threat on dangerous pulls… then behaving that way from their mistake. DPS have more accountability than some would think for success.

I haven’t thought through if a M+ Dungeon Deserter type buff would be a net gain or loss for the community, but it’s interesting to discuss.

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I think they even upped tank threat recently.

I agree that more needs to be done against this type of griefing.

That Pally was probably really embarrassed dying like that though.


If you drill down into inappropriate communication there’s an option for trolling/griefing/leaving. Please use it liberally on M+ bad actors.

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People used to say exactly that about the PvP in this game years back.

Thank you for not lying.


I’m sorry for your key. There are people who can’t stand making mistakes and when that happens, they quit.

sorry about your bad luck, but according to about a dozen different people on this forum, there’s no such thing as toxicity in this game so it must be a mistake.


You’re running 15s and don’t know how keys work. This is sad.


That’s how you do it, and this is a reportable offense potentially. Although in your particular case it might just be easier to report the player for whatever offensive stuff they said in the chat.

Likely would be easier to prove as well which would likely also more immediately (within a couple of weeks if it takes a long time for his report to appear in the GM queue).

No. Because leaving a M+ isn’t a reportable offense on its own.
If a group keep having particular types of deaths occur over and over again, regardless of whatever limit you impose with your hypothetical suggestion, you are more than warranted to leave. Griefing is an active and purposeful intention to ruin other people’s gameplay, not to preserve or otherwise care for your own.

So no, what you are suggesting is not gonna happen. Because just as much as other people cannot grief your key (which the run may or may not be in the example you provided), just the same way you cannot hold another player hostage.

There unfortunately isn’t a lot you can do about this kind of antisocial behavior. I’d report and see what happens. In the meantime, if you’re doing 15s, join one of the M+ discords and find a set group so this doesn’t happen.

Options to counter M+ griefing:

  1. Run M+ with your guild
  2. Don’t do M+

This is true! Even so I can tell you because I play Ret Pally as an alt and I guarantee you he had a leftover Wake of Ashes/Hammer of Light proc and wanted to use it before it went away leading into that 2nd pull. The damage that outputs makes it very difficult for a tank to overtake on the opening GCD.