Covenant Assault just swapped to Necrolord and the quest “Somebody Feed Kevin” is bugged beyond belief. He eats the corpses and gains a stack, but you do not receive quest credit. It is impossible to feed him more bodies past 8 stacks so you literally can not finish the quest.
Do not waste your time doing this right now. Wait.
Same issue here
I abandoned it and tried again. Same thing
I’ve killed dozens of enemies and got credit for 1
Edit: Just tried again and he got 5 stacks on my first kill. Still no credit 
So here is a workaround I found
Kevin has a stack on him each time he consumes a corpse
I noticed somtimes when I got a kill his stack would go up but the counter on my quest tracker would not
So I LOGGED OUT and then back in (log out not /reload) doing so reset Kevin’s stacks to make the quest tracker count and then I was able to proceed again. Each time Kevin’s stacks went off track I logged out and in to reset Kevin back.
Also it seems I only really got credit for the NON-elite enemies in the area.
Also not sure if bugged as well but after completing the assault there was no nifty little cutscene thing like there was for the others (now that I think about it did the night fae have one…I know venthry and kryian did)
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Insane that they just release stuff in this state
idk why you all bother posting, Blizzard dosnt care
So, a workaround that I found (other than logging in and out) was sometimes if you go out of the quest-marked zone, and then back in after a pause, Kevin’s first kill will count (sometimes second). So just phase yourself out of Perdition Hold, example would be going out the southern gate near the Kyrian, then back in, whatever makes Kevin disappear.
Even better than that, however, is around /way 34, 72 - this bridge area to the Akros the Brutal rare spawn, southern bridge of Perdition Hold. Technically, this is outside of the quest-marked zone HOWEVER, every kill I got around here, it counted.
I even body-pulled some mobs from within on the bridge (since only like 4ish spawn on the bridge) - and those counted too.
If the bridge does work for you, let me know. Cause I can’t decide if the bridge is just the golden spot for some reason, or if it’s because I was able to solo kill all the mobs there. Had another person test it on my server and it seemed to work for them as well.
Report it in the bug report section. Blizzard does look at those, they fixed the gromit one.
I found I had the best luck when I got the first hit on the mob, always seemed to get my credit then but it may just be my brain looking for patterns.
Group situations are a lot more RNG and I hardly got credit during zergs.
Thank you to all the brave souls who beta test these things on live servers!
I’ll see you guys tomorrow when they hotfix everything 
Finished the assault without issue. Even found and put together Lil’ Abom.
However, I could only find 6x mawsworn caches, and that Centurion you use is squirrely as all hell. Died twice inside the Centurion from it’s own attacks.
did someone found a rely answer yet?
What if they had like, a realm, that was available to the public, where they could test things like this?
oh no, that would require actually caring about player feedback, that’s way too much to ask from Blizzard
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Just submitted a bug report
This kind of worked for me. I didn’t get credit for every kill, but I got credit for probably every second kill, which was much better than in the main quest area where I got credit for the first kill and no more after that, despite logging out and in again.
Thanks this was a big help!
Not true, while yes it is bugged, you will be able to continue to get credit as you kill things, it’s apparently not triggering credit for every kill though. I should know as I completed the quest long after he had already gained 8 stacks, even though I didn’t have credit for more than 3 of them when he reached 8.
So it is doable, but given that you’re fighting elites, it’s understandable why some people may want to wait.