Some WoD Crafted Armor Sets and Weapons Unobtainable in Shadowlands

SL is ending…
Where are the transmogs blizzard?


Removed like a lot of other good things.

I hope the weapon illusion bug gets this one some attention!

Just add it, and other removed, or other appearances that are on NPCs to Trial of Style. One example for the NPC thing is, the boots the NPC DKs are wearing in Oribos, they are the blue quality DK starting set ones but look like actually boots and not the puffy slipper things.

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Happy two years to this.

Can’t believe I had to have the misfortune of reading some unironic bootlicker’s replies about the meaning of the word “temporary.” Time to go wash my eyes; I thought that type of person was just a bogeyman used to scare people from using the forums, but, unfortunately, it seems they do actually exist. I’d post the comic panel about the guy who orders a plate of -redacted- from Blizzard and enjoys it so much to the point of wanting seconds, but it would get me banned from here.

It’s been two years, Blizzard. No one wants an elegant solution to this. Just put them in the game.


I don’t think fixing old things has ever been a priority. There’s stuff out there that has been broken since it was implemented in cata, like that bird in Arathi Highlands swimming in the ground. Just imagine if they had made a pass through at the end of every expansion, fixed all the broken or badly designed stuff, and made changes to make the content evergreen rather than gutting it.

There are lots of different ways they could be fixed. In fact, they could go into the wod tailoring book as new patterns. so people could buy all three and nobody worry about upgrades.




Very sure the blue muted this thread 2 years ago.

And the one for Starter gear 12 months ago…We can’t trust blues responses…

more communication with the playerbase” but 0 action…


The question now is: Will these appearances come back to retail before Classic Warlords is launched?

Maybe they can make the mogs a X-promotional item like the WotLK drake- “Build an upgraded garrison in Classic Warlords and get the armor appearances we never bothered to fix in Retail!”

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Probably never

Hey! its been more than 2 years and we still can’t get the mogs from anywhere. Can we fix this please? thanks.

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Deja vu 2 years later…still counts as deja vu!

I feel like this claim was an even bigger “foot in mouth” moment than the whole pulling the ripcord fiasco.
Maybe we should just be glad they got enchantment effects to work on Legion artifacts…6 years later… :rofl:


pull the WoD tmog ripcord? :slight_smile:


Please make this obtainable again Blizzard. Please also make whites and greys transmoggable which you said would happen on or before Dragonflight.


Any progress on this?


What are the chances that you can call this out directly on the CC forum?

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Could you do a thread on the CC forums about the multiple tmog issues?

Besides this issue that was mentioned since SL development, We also have the Starters sets:

1 year ago…

And We don’t have any news about the White/Grey items:

Ion Hazzikostas, Game Director said:

Ongoing expansion and customization of it is something we are looking to do certainly by Dragonflight, possibly before then is rolling a lot of the white and grey quality items into the transmog system so that you can choose from a lot of simpler, humbler civilian attire-type looks. We want to keep adding in more options for customization and self-expression.

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Ayy bruh, didn’t know you meant 11.0.