Firstly, I put in a report on an advert in Premade today, and a couple of hours later I get this, which is similar to the little flag up top when you put in a ticket. Clicking revealed:
Which is similar to the ingame mail I got for a couple of reports on bots way back when.
Secondly, went into a solo Island Expedition today. I had to leave early as I had a vet appointment but it seems to go very slowly, way slower than doing it one or two others. Which I guess is sort of obvious but I suspect it will be faster on characters that are strong and have a lot of decent aoe (such as hunters). Shall try another one tomorrow when Im less tired.
The mog changes seem nice, my low level Nighborne is a lot more attractive.
So, how are the other changes going for people? Anyone experienced the weather changes in Org or Stormwind yet? Anyone tried out the Legion raids, how are they by comparison to previously?
On the matter of NightFae, anyone know how to get the crittershapes? I checked wowhead but couldnt see any info on it.
Im talking crittershapes, not soulshapes…like little squirrels and things.
PS: I found one. Its the Cat crittershape. It was sitting high up in one of the Ardenweald big trees. I got as close as I could, targeted it, and did a /soothe. And got the shape.
Spent a little time playing with the new customizations. They’re ok. Legion mythic raid changes are nice. Probably won’t burn a token until the mage tower is available.
A bit disappointed with how the 9.0 campaign “skip” turned out. At least they could have removed the campaign requirement for covenant armor, the two korthia dailies and the hook points in korthia.
In the end it feels like I’m going to have to do the campaign again no matter what. Not that it’s super time consuming but it’s so boring if you’ve done it a bunch already.
I completed my last stretch to Tier 6 research in Korthia in less than an hour last night. I am absolutely living for the buff to research drops. xD Logged in to a bunch of alts to hit up Korthia. Had some fun in the Comp Stomp with my husband for some easy Marks of Honor. And spent several hours recustomizing my nightborne and void elf characters, as well as making a new LF draenei (and mentally saving a few other LF appearances for future characters). I’m excited to try duoing Island Expeditions with my husband.
I feel eager to play my alts again and feel like a bunch of other existing content was just opened up as well. I had the most fun I’ve had in WoW last night in a long time!
I got the spider and - hilariously - shoveltusk shapes last night. Spider dropped from Korthia. Shoveltusk came from Comp Stomp. Shoveltusk is chef’s kiss. XD
Cool, thanks for that info, might go do a couple of things like that in case I get more. The crittershapes are a very cute little feature. Would have been nice if similar options had been available for all the covenants. I dunno…maybe a skeletal shape for Maldraxxus or one of those little worker guys for Revendreth, that sort of thing.
We were doing prog last night and that stone is amazing. No longer need to play around with stupid focus macros or misclick cause a fat boomkin is standing on it.
I actually have things to do, that I want to do, that feel worth doing. Mostly due to my alts actually being worth playing due to the changes, being able to send anima, getting offerings from callings, bonus objectives actually being worth doing, and most importantly… the maw intro skip!
I also hopped covenants on Nico to start getting renown to 80 with Necrolords and will eventually max renown them all. Of course more hair color options makes me happy too!