Well, for those who don’t want to keep looking at random places trying to find information on Soulshapes, figured I’d make a thread here to help people find the soulshapes they’re after. (I’m also updating my comment on wowhead (https://www.wowhead.com/spell=310143/soulshape#comments:id=3279760) for those who look there)
To start, there’s 2 new mechanical additions in 9.1.5:
- If you talk to the Soulshape NPC, you can choose to learn “Wildshape” (I think that’s what it was called). This will make your Soulshape choose a random soulshape out of the ones you know every time you use Soulshape.
- If you talk to Choofa next to the Soulshape NPC, he will teach you about Crittershapes. You can ask to look like him, and he’ll teach you your first Crittershape, Squirrel. Crittershapes are what your Soulshape will look like when you’re in a rested area.
Now, so far we’ve found all but 12 Soulshapes. If you’ve found any others, please let me know where and I’ll update this post and wowhead’s comment. (Someone found Goat and Porcupine in the wowhead comments, but didn’t say where)
- Ram Soul: Sold by Spindlenose (Court of Night Vendor). Requires ? with Court of Night. Costs 25000 Anima and 50 Grateful Offering.
- Eagle Soul: Sold by Master Clerk Salorn (Ardenweald Amphitheater Vendor). Requires defeating ? unique Star Lake Amphitheater daily rares. Costs 20000 Anima.
- Shoveltusk Soul: Randomly Awarded from Comp Stomp (Possibly all Brawls)
- Alpaca Soul: Randomly drops from Shadowlands World Bosses.
- Mammoth Soul - Random Drop from Wild Hunt Paragon Chests.
- Goat Soul - Random Drop from Calling Chests.
- Boar Soul - Random Drop from WoD Timewalking Bosses.
- Cricket Soul - Sold by Spindlenose. Requires ? with Court of Night. Costs 15000 Anima and 25 Grateful Offerings.
- Prairie Dog Soul - Sold by Master Clerk Salorn. Requires defeating ? unique Star Lake Amphitheater daily rares. Costs 10000 Anima.
- Saurolisk Hatchling Soul - Random Drop from Adamant Vaults.
- Cat Soul - /soothe the Lost Soul on top of the Great Trees of Ardenweald. One will be up at a time, and move to a new tree when someone obtained the Crittershape.
- Frog Soul - Random from Fishing in Shadowlands Zones.
- Porcupine Soul - Random Drop from Wild Hunt Paragon Chests.
- Snake Soul - Random Drop from Calling Chests.
- Corgi Soul - /pet Sparkle, wandering around Heart of the Forest. There is no quest. Just talk to Choofa after petting.
- Chicken Soul - Gather the Spectral Feed, located at 63.75, 61.69 in Revendreth. This has roughly a 60 minute respawn, and is lootable by others shortly after being looted by one player. After, head to the Lost Soul located at 63.18, 42.76 in Revendreth. Use /chicken on the soul, then use the Spectral Feed from your Bag. The soul may have multiple spawn points, or a separate respawn timer than the Feed, it is unknown. However, you can only see the Soul when you have the Feed in your bags.
- Saurid Soul - Use /bow on the Mysterious Trashpile at 44.84, 67.89 in Maldraxxus. (Cave Entrance is 44.59, 65.48) ONLY use Bow. It seems to have an emote cooldown.
- Otter Soul - Use /hug on the Lost Soul at 49.85, 46.85 in Bastion. Has roughly a 60 minute respawn, and will despawn after 5 minutes, or after too many players interact with it.
- Rat Soul - Sold by Shopkeeper in Tazavesh the Veiled Market. Requires a lockout with at least the first boss dead. When he whispers you, nod /yes to him to get access to the vendor. Requires 735 Gold, Synvir Lockbox x2 and Stygian Lockbox x2. Stygian Lockboxes are a <1% drop from mobs in the Maw, and are on no known pickpocket tables, so this will take a very long time.
- Well-Fed Cat Soul - After obtaining the Cat Soul, grab a Spectral Feed located at 63.75, 61.69 in Revendreth. (~60 Minute Respawn). Then return to Heart of the Forest with it, and go to the Queen’s Conservatory portal downstairs. Find Ma’oh next to the portal and /meow at them. Then use the Spectral Feed from your inventory while targeting them.
- Bunny Soul - Randomly Assigned as a Reward for Ardenweald Pet Battle World Quest. (Unknown if can be rewarded for other zones). It will show as a reward insteaed of pet stones/charms. If it is currently up as the reward for the world quest, if you switch to Night Fae even after the quest spawns, it will be available.
- Turkey Soul - During Pilgrim’s Bounty, sit at the table and get the Spirit of Sharing Buff by eating all 5 foods. Every time you eat more food then leave the chair, you have a chance to receive the Soul.
And the current list of unknown sources Soulshapes:
- Kodo Soul - Speculated From Cata Timewalking
- Owl Soul - Speculated From Legion Timewalking
- Cloud Serpent Soul - Speculated From MoP Timewalking
- Jormungar Soul - Speculated From Wrath Timewalking
- Sporebat Soul - Speculated From BC Timewalking