Some pet battles are impossible to win in Shadowlands

For example, One of pet battle in Maddraxxus is very difficult or impossible to win. In that battle there are 3 enemies pet and all are strong. Final enemy pet killed me in one ability. They’re all Undead family and i pick all Critter family and couldn’t win . I countered most of the enemy pets with different kinds of Critter families and can’t even win. 3 of them have too many hp and way higher stats than my Pets . And the final undead enemy pet just killed my critter pet in one ability. Any suggestion? They’re not pet boss, Enemy pet battle has 3 undead pets but 3 of them have like boss stats and abilities?


Was it failed Experiment? Thats the Maldraxxus quest thats up for me at the moment. If so it can be done with unborn valk and ikky.

If not you can use that site to find strategies other people have had success with.


I have 100 lvl 25 pets and i agree, its dumb. I am now just using lvl 1 pets to beat these things.


NO it’s not that pet, that pet boss is pretty easy to defeat, I can pick 2 pets and defeat him. I’m talking about another pet battle with 3 enemies pets in Madd. they have like 2.3k hp and faster speed and bigger burst ability than my pets

Use level one pets. I have found a few like you that my stable couldn’t handle. I swapped to level one pets, the combatants pets also level down and only have one ability.


Many of the trainers in SL are actually fairly difficult and definitely have a higher stat budget than trainers from previous expansions. As an avid pet collector and probably around 200-300 level 25 pets, I am enjoying the additional challenge as I am forced to really think about the pets that I bring. I have yet to see anything too difficult, but I have been focused on other things. However, I can see how they would be much more challenging for people who have less of an extensive pet collection. Fortunately pet battles of this nature have always been exceedingly optional.

I believe you are talking about Rotgut and yeah Rotgut is a bit of a pain. Level 1 pets are really the only way I managed to beat them too.


check out Xu-fu’s pet battle guides if you need an ideal team.

i’ve noticed the xmas pets (rotten helper, etc) seem pretty good for SL battles but I prefer ikky and unborn


Yes it is, it’s that guy. that guy has 3 pets and last pet deals instant kill damage to my pet. and they have like 2.3k hp and always cast ability 1st, lol.

This. Amazing website for pet battles.


I don’t know if this will work with him, but I’ve been using level 1 pets on some other WQ pet fights in SL.

Basically, this forces him to use his lvl 1 pets, so that reduces the strong abilities they have, and they end up with only one ability each.

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Check this page out
i can’t include links so it’s wow-petguide dot com

Maybe Rotgut can be beaten with lvl 1 pets. But i think there’s no way to beat that guy with lvl 25 pets. But we should be able to beat every pet battles with 25 pets, don’t you think? this is ridiculous we’re forced to use lvl 1 to beat NPC pet battlers . And even this just a common World Quest that only gives common rewards.

What are pet battles?

They require some pretty meta pets, that’s the thing. Personally I give it a couple of shots then I counter attack with the level ones. Pull one out per combative pet based on their weakness.

  • Aquatic >> Strong Against >> Elemental
  • Beast >> Strong Against >> Critter
  • Critter >> Strong Against >> Undead
  • Dragonkin >> Strong Against >> Magic
  • Elemental >> Strong Against >> Mechanical
  • Flying >> Strong Against >> Aquatic
  • Humanoid >> Strong Against >> Dragonkin
  • Magic >> Strong Against >> Flying
  • Mechanical >> Strong Against >> Beast
  • Undead >> Strong Against >> Humanoid

I have that list saved, most days I can remember it, but hey makes it much easier.

They’re easy, just not throw any three pets at it easy.

The leftovers dude? I got really close but he knocked out my last pet while he was re-birthed for a turn and it ended in failure.

I’ll go poke him more when I have free time. The last guy just hits like a truck.

I don’t want a baby button though, that seems so unsatifying.

I already knows these facts, Rotgut has 3 Undead pets, 1 = over 1.7k hp 2 = over 2.3k hp 3= nearly 1.7k hp , and most of them have huge damage ability than my pets. I used different kinds of Critter Pets against those undead pets and still can’t beat them. I used unborn and ikky but they died pretty fast by those undead pets. It’s impossible to win Rotgut with lvl 25 pets

Like a couple others have said; it’s cheese, but just use level 1 pets. The NPCs will have level 1 pets, too.

the last guy instantly killed my full hp pet with crit hit , lol. He surely hits like a truck.

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