Some of the worst initial balancing I've seen

Really disappointing given that we knew this expansion was being rushed.

Then there’s THIS GEM while leveling in a 60-69 BG

Top it off with yesterday I got kicked on entangling roots and got astral locked because I was trying to Starsurge off the root…

Starsurge is literally instant cast.

Monks have interrupted me casting chaos bolt and I’ve still cast it just fine too.

The F*@$ happened man?

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Yep there are a bunch of 1 shots/self healing that need to be tuned down, they are the biggest outliers.

Melee is unbelievably strong. The WW damage is unreal. I only pvp and can’t play the game on the class I chose to max (warlock). Not interested in rerolling just yet so I’ll have to play another game until everything levels out. What a shame.

EDIT: solo shuffle will seemingly be the least balanced pvp game mode of all time.

No idea what you’re talking about as I feel aff and demo are some of the best specs currently as well as being easy af to play.


ya this patch for pvp is very bad XD

None of the lock specs take more skill than the other

laughs in S3/S4 Demo lock

If you cant play pvp on a warlock the problem is you. Warlocks are the most overtuned class in pvp right now.

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Was in a Eots last night and thought I did really good at 12m dmg. Then saw there was an ele sham that did 22m dmg!! Game is crazy right now!

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Destro sure ain’t lol…

Sorry one of your specs is “weak” because haste values get dumpstered at the start of every expansion.

Demo and Affliction are absurdly broken right now.

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I don’t deny they are. Alas I don’t play those specs. I don’t play those specs when destro is bad and they’re good. That’s not enjoyable for me.

Have you ever seen a warlock die? You’d be the first lol.

That’s never happened to me :joy: that’s wild.

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Interrupts must have been recoded because they are jank af right now.

Yea I’ve missed kick against people but it still hits I’ve noticed three times in the ten hours or so I’ve played PvP this week.

This has never happened before

another weird thing I found was on my rogue sometimes people get stuff off on me when im in smoke bomb like dks gripping me out of it once don’t know if im missing something there i thought it made you unattackable.

edit: nvm after looking at some tooltips i guess i can see abomination limb has 20 yrd range I just don’t know enough about dk does that reach into smoke bombs? XD

Something’s hit thru smokebomb and you can pre smokebomb initial throw so if he gripped you spammed it while you threw the smoke the grip will pull

I literally just got kicked in a BG and continued to cast chaos bolt.

Yeah s3 destro and bfa destro so much Better

Stay bad and mad

Blizzard happened. No matter how great they make some aspects of the game, their complete stupidity on the balancing front just negates so much of the good.