Some of the worst initial balancing I've seen

Warlocks when only 2 of their 3 specs are top tier.


And a pure dps class too. Yet here we are.

Yeah damn, coulda fooled everyone with that healing

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Warlocks whining about survivability. God truly has left this forum to rot in hell.


I remember trying to help a BG Warlock deal with being dogpiled by melee but he refused to use gate and/or port because those weren’t part of his “preferred playstyle” as he perceived them as “pve abilities”.


Lmao, wow. I actually don’t use bubble or BoP because thematically my Tauren is still learning the ways of the light and it wouldn’t fit his current character development.


You are on to talk God mode boy.

I’ve repeatedly said my class is overtuned and strong. DH is disgusting right now and warrants nerfs.

It’s like every warlock player on here thinks they’re dunking when going “hurrrrr” DH. Class nerfs coming for your S+ tier garbage too, weirdo.

Look at that dipstick warlock reverence complaining he can 1v3 anymore so his class is ruined.

Man warlocks and mages are arrogant toolboxes.


No its not just overtuned and strong. Its straight God mode right now.

This is why I called you a slobbering monkey.

Keep calling names bud. It fuels my joy and proves my point.

You’re a slobbering monkey.


Mmmmmmm. So good. I love it when name calling is all you got. Entertain me more plz.

Lol brick wall slobbering monkey.

More. Give me more. Your desperaton is palpable.

Bro this isn’t the RP forums lol

What would you like him to do? He provided a proper rebuttal to your comments and acknowledged that DH’s are currently broken and warrant nerfs. You’re just ignoring it because you have no response to his candid acknowledgement of his classes current power level.

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No apparently its day care for children. Lol.

When do your parents pick you up and take you back to the zoo?

Strange you picked Shaman here and not even their true one shot, but hey it got obliterated with not one but 2x nerfs to maelstrom so you won’t see that.

Meanwhile havoc dh and warlock got a slap on the wrist and guardian druid literally nothing :clown_face: