Some kind of nasty bug going on

Getting DC’ed every time I leave a group. Either that or when the game tries to generate loot at the end of an instance or world boss. I’m stuck moving around with the game unresponsive and having to close wow manually. Then upon re-log I get an error that "A character with that name already exists. I’m guessing because of the way the game shut down it still think I’m logged in on that toon. after a while this stops happening and I can get back into the game only to get DC’ed again and repeat the cycle. This just started today after the reset.

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There is a really bad bug going around. I would be wary to do anything in the game atm. Avoid looting, avoid transferring currency, avoid LFRs, TW, Delves and PVP modes. Avoid logging out of a character if you’ve activated the bug because you will not be able to log back in.