Some achievements lost progress once I logged in after prepatch. There may be other covenant achievements affected, but because I have completed the remainder, I can’t tell on my end. I even logged into the character that made the progress initially. I was only a handful of items away from completing these:
Fashion Abomination
Court Favors
Dredger Style (the top four kept progress, but the remainder did not)
Crypt couture
Divine Spirit savior did not lose progress.
If you encounter others, please add to this thread.
it wasnt covenant sanctum achievment progress, but i lost achievment progress on treasures of zaralek cavern, where i went from only missing 1 treasure, to missing ALL BUT 1. im so sad, it takes like an hour but thats an hour i dont wanna have to spend
I seem to recall these and a handful of other achievements reset in a previous patch, as well, but were fixed at some point. If you can hold out, hopefully they’ll have a fix soon so you don’t have to redo it.
PLEASE bump this too!
I’ve been working on Back From The Beyond and the Dragonflight Meta, A World Awoken. I’ve gotten so close with only a few achievements away and some are missing parts I’ve done and some are just BLANK!!! Here are the ones I can list…
Wardrobe Makeover: 0, I just did about 16/25
The Gang’s ALL Here: 0, I have over half because I did their QUESTS!
Abominable Lives: 7?, I’ve gotten half of them done and they’re gone
Taking from Nature: 2, had 3/5 could takes weeks for missing spots are random
Daycare Derby: 3, had 4/5 could take 2 weeks for random quest
Hey Nanny Nanny: 3, had 4/5 done, random quests
Whelp, There it is: missing some quests that is part of story line and can’t be done again O.o
Please fix this, I had 2 weeks left but now it could take months if the achievements aren’t BROKEN because I’ve lost ones that can ONLY be done once as part of a quest line you can’t get again. That means I can’t finish the META, it’s taken years for both of them :<
Bump this for me too. I spent literally a week grinding for the path of ascension. Finally got it to level 5, and the last boss is locked… the whole instance seems bugged, and things hit way harder, idk what the hell they did, but the bugs are persistent.
THAT is not acceptable as it means a lot of people will NEVER be able to get there Taivan mount from the meta unles they redo those parts on another toon which would take an extra month!
Thanks all for adding new ones you found. I updated my title to remove covenant achievement as the primary issue since it is affecting others, as well.
lmao ive been waiting for the tyrhold fishing hole for 5 weeks (last one i need). Its just been rotating without that fishing hole.
Now with the prepatch, it reset the burning ascent fishing hole. So now i need RNG for 2(thats 2 weeks now if im lucky and they spawn back to back correctly). Unless they fix it (doubt theyll be able to fix all achievements in a month) If you dont have all the fishing holes at least, or tetrachomancer (which also bugged and reset and is a 1% drop for each color) We’re not getting the mount.
If this is how blizzard are going to treat early bugs in the new expansion (complete silence) for a hyped up pre patch, and trust me the beta is in an even worse state, I have zero faith in the war within. Season 4 was a buggy mess with upgrade bugs, legendary bugs, mop remix communication was garbage, and was clear they didn’t care about actual bugs over wowheads newest thread farm. War within is doomed
Same situation for me on the abomb factory and the Ember Court.
I was only missing one book for librarian of the reach and didn’t even think to check that one. I dread that since it was the last one for the DF meta for me.
You are not alone, I’m having the same exact issues with many of the “Back from the Beyond” achievement as well. It makes me physically sick at how hard I’ve been working on these and the set back that this patch as seemed to cause. I’m hoping beyond hope that they get this fixed SOON!
Also I went ahead and ran one of the quests needed (again) and completed it, and it didn’t check off the achievement list. So not only did I lose credit that I had already, but I can’t even get it back if I redo it again… (I have screenshots to prove this)
Same thing happened to me on Treasures of the Ohn’ahran Plains and Treasures of Thaldraszus.
I needed 1 more treasure for each (I know because I’ve spent the last 2 weeks actively working on the Taivan mount achieve and was specifically farming for the treasures over the last 2-3 days).
I opened a ticket and was told there is nothing they could do about a bug. Come here and report it.