Some form of Sharding

Sharding, also, effects those on low pop servers, too.

Let’s see. There was a video of nost going offline with hundreds, if not a thousand of people all in zone.
Seems like that would be fun to me.


This argument doesn’t make any sense. You’re essentially arguing low pop servers have more advantage or less of than high pop servers. No servers are truly the same :confused:

That’s funny. They managed to control the population during vanilla without sharding, didn’t they?

I never had any issues with seeing quest objectives, quest mobs, mobs, resources and other players appear and disappear in front of me when I played vanilla.

Yes but your argument was May be you play on a small pop server because you like the wide open spaces. My counter argument was that May be I play on high pop servers to see people everywhere.

Sharding effects both but at least the low pop person gets what they want.

There are a lot more players now compared to then. Also, my Veteran WoW player remembers differently. We have inconsistent data.

Umm what? Vanilla had 8 million at the end. Retail probably doesn’t even have 5 million



What? Vanilla had 8 million players. If you think BfA has that, there’s some real estate I’d like to sell you.


Yes, it does, population wise, but not getting your quests done, completing raids/dungeons, traveling to your destination, etc.

So do queue times, servers crashes and disconnects.

Key phrase, at the end.

Sharding isn’t going to negatively impact that for the low pop person.

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Those were part of Vanilla at times, unlike sharding.



And yet we still don’t want sharding in classic. Hmm.

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Your veteran WoW player remembers seeing quest mobs, quest objectives, mobs, resources and other players appearing and disappearing around him?

I know people that would pay well for some of what he is smoking.

I’m saying, there are more players now, going into Vanilla then when Vanilla launched.

Oh I’m sorry. How many people do you think are playing retail atm?

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How many exactly?


No, he remembers servers needing to go down to add more servers due to the influx of players trying to get in.

I remember servers being added also. That was part of the population control. Yet, they never once used sharding to control that population during vanilla, did they? They were able to control that population in vanilla without sharding, were they not?