Some flying mounts are treated as ground mounts

Weird title I know, let me explain.

I love the Summon Random mount button and use it to summon flying mounts, ground mounts and underwater mounts with one single button.

Most of the time, the button does a great job understanding what is the best mount depending on the situation. It will not summon a flying mount on Argus and will only summon an underwater mount when you’re underwater (logic)

However, I noticed that some flying mounts get summoned in ground mount only areas which is kinda annoying. Mounts such as Expedition Bloodswarmer or Red Flying Cloud will get summoned in areas you can’t fly.

Not a huge deal but I would like more consistency with the system.

Hello adventurer!

Blizzard here, just letting you know we will get right on that.

Thanks for your feedback.

Well, the Bloodswarmer can run along the ground in addition to flying, so it makes sense for it to be summoned as either a ground or flying mount. Also, Red Flying Cloud has a special animation for when it’s used as a ground mount.

As long as it’s not summoning flying serpents, kites, or other mounts that have no ground animation it’s fine.

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I’m sorry but most flying mounts have a ground animation. You’re missing the point. The Summon Random mount will not summon a Grand Wyvern on Argus because it is a flying mount. Only ground mounts are summoned. Thats the idea.

I don’t think that’s right. It’s Summon Random Mount, not Summon Random Mount Most Appropriate To The Zone And Conditions. I get flying mounts in non-flying zones all the time when I hit that.

Edit: I just logged in and looked, it says - and I quote - “Summons and dismisses a favorite mount. The mount will be chosen randomly from the favorites usable in the current area.” Since flying mounts are usable as ground mounts in non-flying areas, they’re usable. And so would be summonable.


It is a button that summons the Most Appropriate To The Zone And Conditions actually.

If you have ground mounts and flying mounts as favorite. The button only summons a ground mount in BGs and other areas you can’t fly.

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Models that aren’t grossly oversized (ie, drakes) or have otherwise reasonable ground animations (ie, hippogryphs, flying horses/cats, the jeweled panthers, etc.) are flagged as both Flying and Ground mounts. Used to be that you could only use ground mounts in BGs, because oversized mounts were considered obstructive and distracting, with exceptions made so folks could still ride their Cenarion Hippogryphs and Wind Riders. This was before a bunch of updates to how clicking interacts with objectives (ie, if someone’s parked on a flag you can click the flag through them) and Blizz adding ridiculously large ground mounts like Gronnlings and Clefthooves, mind you.

Blizz keeps the flags in place nowadays more so the random button doesn’t stick you on dragons pre-flying, or put you on a goat post-flying more than anything.

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That’s incorrect. I just quoted the actual text of the spell above. It says NOTHING about zone and conditions. All it says is “usable”, and flying mounts are usable in no-fly zones.

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It is how the button works tho. I use it all the time.

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I’m telling you that no, that’s not how the button works. I use it all the time too. I get flying mounts in non-flying zones all the time, because, again, flying mounts are usable in non-flying zones.

If you got the mounts you wanted, that’s good luck with RNG. But it does, in fact, summon flying mounts in non-flying zones if you have them favorited. The only clause is “usable”.

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It says “usable” but it means “practical.”

You cannot be serious lmao.

Open the game right now. Go on Argus. Set a horse and a gryphon as favorite. Try to summon the gryphon.

Good luck.

I remember someone putting together a macro that would summon a random mount that was context-appropriate. But I don’t know if that’s still possible.

It says “usable” and means “usable”. If it meant “practical”, it would say “practical”. That’s the thing about words.

Here you go, third click:

And if you’re on top of a mountain in a zone where flying is enabled, the game putting you on a kodo wouldn’t be considered “usable,” you’ll either jump to your death or click it again until you get a flyer, ergo the game saves you the trouble and will never put you on a kodo in a place where you expect to be flying.

That’s the in-game store Gryphon.

Store mounts probably have exceptions do it with a regular gryphon.

So I went to Argus and hit the Summon Random Mount button 50 times. Of those 50 times, I got 12 mounts that I would consider “mixed” - that is, they run along the ground in addition to being able to fly. Some of the ones that came up were the Imperial Quillen and the Grove Warden. I also got 8 “flying only” mounts - mounts that only have flying animations and never actually come into “contact” with the ground. Of these I received a few of the different rays and the Orgrimmar Interceptor blimp.

Yes that’s what I’m saying. Some flying mounts get summoned. Many of them don’t.

For eff’s sake, fine:

Took 13 clicks this time, but it popped up.

And that’s normal, that’s what I’m saying.

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I’ll agree that it’s probably preferable that the “flying only” mounts shouldn’t be summoned in areas where there’s no flight. I know that bothers me when it happens.

That’s why I use the Valor Mount addon.