Some communication would be nice

Guilds “needing to merge/disband” would only be a result of poor game design. This should be addressed by blizzard not the guilds

Maybe the guilds should get better and kill bosses? We’ve been 6/6 since week 1. Nerfing the most fun raid to appease to casuals who likely already quit once during tbc would be a giant mistake. You’re not entitled to free loot. Just get better

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Actually a huge portion of raiders left because of the pre-nerf state of those raids.

A huge portion of raiders left because of the nerfs of those raids*


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I personally stopped raiding because of the nerfs… i was so bored… just couldnt do it anymore

The numbers do not support your claims

Dont bother with him, he got hard carried by his speed run guild and think hes better than everyone. he can’t even get stable blue parse, mostly grays.

hell prob trash talk me too but i cba with his ’ I’ve cleared Sunwell already under 2 hour, if you haven’t youre trash’. he prob bench for his guild and they take him when they can’t pug someone better from lfg.

the guys a troll and cant accept how bad he is

like I said, don’t sweat it with him

LOL you reported my post?

Good luck in raid this week :slight_smile:

Someone reported you and you’ve chosen to violate the CoC again?

I think you should revise your post. There’s no need to insult others and pick fights.

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Dude its been out for like 15 years

There is no winning with Sunwell. Single difficulty raiding is just old design that doesn’t work too well now that a vast majority of the population is at the top end of the content. You either make it easy enough that the majority can clear it which makes it boring for stronger guilds or you make it hard which alienates worse and more casual guilds.

Honestly the solution is to just wait til WotLK where the casuals have their normal difficulty, the tryhards can sit in heroic/hard modes, and actual good players can be on retail doing mythics.

he is likely carried, he claims it but never posts logs, or its a lie

This you?

You forgot “old game.”

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True. Very old game.

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Citation please?

My guild actually just decided to stop progression. A lot of guildies are switching mains for WOTLK, so we’re doing ‘alt runs’ of older content to get them ready. Some just quit and will be back for prepatch. Same thing happens at the end of classic.

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