Some communication would be nice

Every week it gets harder and harder to field a raid team. This is pretty universal across my realm with rumors of even some of the top 10 guilds on the verge of disbanding. These are, literally, the only guilds on one of the largest PVE realms that have been able to clear SWP at least once. The bottom half are being cannibalized by the top half. The rest of us are trying to snatch up the players from guilds below us. 120 guilds have killed a boss in SWP vs 180 in BT. That 1500 is more than 10% of the server that are now out of the game, reports are many have flat quit until wrath.

We need a timeline on, at least, the nerfs to SWP. An announcement on the Wrath beta would also be nice but it’s whatever for that I guess.


First summer without major covid restrictions
End of expansion
Next expansion announced
Bad guild

Youre on the wrong end of a losing battle tbh. Bottom guilds just need to accept their fate and merge / disband.


Well I mean we are like an 85th percentile guild on the realm, far from “bad”. But otherwise yes, all those things. It doesn’t matter the reasons the result is that the game is bleeding subs just like it did in p2 and blizzard should probably pay attention to it before it gets any worse. These numbers are also with a massive influx of people from dead realms coming in so the reduction rate is likely MUCH higher than what the logs show.

I would say that most of the top 50% of guilds that are not clearing has zero to do with skill and more to do with attrition. When you start losing 4-5 good players and have to replace them with worse players it just gets harder and harder.

As for the top 10, I am not saying overall. Benediction, Faerlina, and Whitemane are outliars due to their size. Look at atiesh, pagle, westfall, mankrik, grobb, etc. Those are not small servers but much smaller than the 3 big boys. They are between 10-15%.

Guilds “needing to merge/disband” would only be a result of poor game design. This should be addressed by blizzard not the guilds. This is doubly true when those guilds are in the top 50%, above average guilds.

I dont think nerfing an already incredibly easy raid is a good idea. Its a kill shot for the game. Nerfing content for the people who refuse to play better and try harder is a big no no.

It murdered SSC/TK and the ONLY reason people played is because BT was on the way.

If they nerf SWP to the ground like they did ssc/tk all the top guilds are done until WOTLK. Its done, over. GG. No point in playing. Making a 1 hour raid even easier. Come on man lol

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Oh please… The statistics are freely available. Stop trolling! This is the hardest content we have faced in all of classic. The wipe count is through the roof and dwarfs everything else in the game.

If they nerf it, as they should, those top guilds survive and start stacking gold with GDKPs just like they did for the last half of Naxx. As much as I hate GDKP it does keep the playerbase occupied while waiting for Wrath and keeps guilds intact.

Faster run back > portal in raid = more wipe attempts.

Calling this the hardest content in classic is like saying youre the smartest kid on the short bus.

Use a damn haste pot, hit your drums, time your lust and lets go. Keep debuffs on the boss and let the raid leaders lead. And if your guild cant do it… then quit and join a guild that can. Its truly that easy.


You are clueless. 100% don’t even play classic.

1st week 6/6, 2nd week 2 hour clear SWP. Then quit because its summer and WOTLK is here in 2 months.

Just get good. Or come back at 80 in WOTLK and kill the boss

The reasons still do not matter. They still have a vested interest in keeping people playing. Many of those players would continue to log on for a 1 hour clear if they didn’t have to waste so many consumes to wipes and the guilds that are struggling would continue to log on if they could make some progress. Why bother logging on if you are beating your head against a wall. There is little margin on some of these bosses. The vast majority of Brutallus kills are mere seconds from enrage.

Again, maybe you should play this game before commenting on it.

Sure you have…

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?? Youre acting like SWP is some pinnacle hard raid. Like its an impossible feat.

People are literally clearing it in 50 minutes, and it hasnt even been out a month yet…

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They also spent a month running it 10x a day on the PTR… It is literally the pinnacle of the current content and gearing.

I never did the PTR once. 6/6 week 1. 2 hour clear one night week 2.

Dont need to PTR lol

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sure you did…

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Not my fault your guild cant even click a portal on Kale and is wiping to literally being unable to click their mouse.

No nerf can fix that bro.

i dont like (thing) so (thing) is toxic, problematic, and should change!

is this twitter enough to match op’s mega-sunday post?

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nothing will stop quitters from quitting.
and blizzard released tbcc knowing that it will not keep everyone who join it, many people been quitting in past 10months.

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op seems to forget this is a recreation of a 17 year old game
most people will quit sooner than later
is a niche game where growt and long term retention is not a thing
game’s clock is set to end and everyones knows it

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It’s amusing listening to people talk about top guilds when they don’t know anything about top guilds.

Top guilds aren’t done until WOTLK. Speed running and top rankings are still on the line. If you aren’t getting rank 1 parses, or setting world speed records, you’re not in a top guild and shouldn’t be commenting on them as you know nothing about them.

That’s not necessarily true. Many top guilds took a pause during naxx 40, or broke up.

Sure progress still ran, but lots of guilds started to take it off. SWP is easy and fast, and no buffs. Who I guess we will see.