Thanks, you too. I have no idea how hard or easy it’s going to be.
I’m at 1976 kills for Rukhmar for the solar spirehawk. I took breaks here and there so the count could have been higher. RNG is just stupid sometimes.
Yeah, the world boss mount drops are a bit too low.
Both lol. Karazan hates me.
Ehh I dunno. Is it really so bad to have 6 truly rare mounts (Sha, Galleon, Oon, Nalak, Rukhmar and Love Rocket) out of the 700ish available?
Yeah, I feel that it is.
I farmed Invincible and the one in old Kara weekly on about 15 alts for a year. 15 days is cute.
My friend and I went into some BFA mythics the other day to mess around. And to 2 man HM Mechagon for the aerial unit on last boss. My 220 lock was helping him clear Shrine for the cloth set on one of his low clothies. Things died decently fast with my 220+ toons.
The only real road bump is the 2nd boss of King’s Rest. Since he entombs someone, it just resets the boss. I think you have to get him down in about 30-45 seconds?
Sharkbait should be pretty easy since you can run right to the last boss basically. We tried to get it for my friend, and it was very simple. Fortunately, I got lucky and got him last expansion.
I haven’t been to the dungeon with the crawg this expansion… But I don’t think any of those bosses would be huge road bumps… But I can’t remember for sure.
We actually 2 manned the last wing of LFR Dazaralor for a shot at Gmod. Wasn’t too bad but not super efficient lol. He tanked it on his like 190 DH and I used my 226 ele sham for dmg and off heals.