i’ve been running zul’gurub16 times a day for 15 days (today is day 15), and that damndable raptor still has’nt dropped. the panther did, but the raptor just has’nt. it’s getting ridiculous at this point, i run in, avoid boulders, kill mandokir, get garbage (my rogue pretty-much has an inventory full of bloodlord’s protectors), leave, swap toons run it again until the game says ‘you’ve entered too many instances’ then i diddle around on an alt for a bit, before i can run it again… i’m starting to lose my marbles at this point.
Thems the breaks. Sometimes it takes hundreds of kills to get a mount (killed the Lich King and Soundless over 400 each) sometimes stuff drops off the first kill (Ashes.)
You’ll get it soon. I bet it’ll be this weekend.
Only 15 days? Those are rookie numbers, kid.
I gave up after 7 years of daily farming. I’m not destined to have it.
You gotta pace yourself bud, you’re gonna burn out at this rate.
Eh? Do you weekly or you killed him every day with various alts?
Me and my brother did it for years and he never got it. He did get the tiger though which I consider the better option.
It has a 0.70% drop rate:
no way man, i ran icc 30 times a week for two and a half weeks (might’ve been more, i can’t remember) and got invincible, so i know my way works. plus, i’m always burnt-out, so… no changing that.
You got lucky. I know people who have farmed ICC for YEARS and have not gotten Invincible. I got it in 40-ish tries, but ashes of Alir won’t drop for me so…yeah just bad rng.
i also got both the firelands mounts accidentally while running for mog-stuff… ironically, i still need to go back there for paladin armor.
but i’m hopin my constant repetition and persistence will get me that dang raptor.
Makes you feel any better I got the panther 3 times before the raptor
I was full clearing for transmog that refused to drop as well, plus was before the gold nerf
Sure but you’re saying you hit ZG 240 times in two weeks.
That’s insane. I’d stab my eyes out first.
Maybe, maybe not. It’s not about doing it over and over to improve chances, its about rolling the die every time you run it. So if the 0.70% chance is accurate, you have a 99.30% chance to not get it every week, you may never se it in your life time…or you may see it next week.
But it does improve your chances.
Same, although not 16 times a day just usually daily and no raptor. I finally got the panther one though a month or so ago lol.
16 x 15 are definitely rookie numbers. I got the raptor back when it was current content in a random group. But the panther was a PITA, in BFA I took all 70+ of my toons there and farmed it for 3 or 4 days. As for the freaking Lich King mount, that was over 500 attempts (and I had way less toons)
true, but atleast with zg i don’t have to run the whole place for a chance at the mount. so… that’s technically not as bad.
those boulders are frikkin annoying though.
Running it with many alts does, but the actual % chance doesn’t change cause you ran it 100 times or anything.
This just reminded me to go run it again
I need to start farming the mythic BfA mounts. Any of you guys run M0 for those?