So...many... zg runs... still no raptor

You didn’t have to clear ICC fully either, I was able to just kill the last boss by keeping an alliance and horde toon at ICC with the lock out. I think they have fixed that since than, but at the time it definitely made it easier. I cleared it a good 30-40 times a week this way.

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Oh man I’m so glad I got Invincible before that was fixed.

Ulduar still hasn’t given up the head for me, and that’s a painful clear and no way to save the lock out as far as I know.

I feel like I’ve farmed too hard and gotten lucky several times as I read through this thread and realize… I have all these mounts.

My nemesis is Karazan. Same feelings.

Old or New Karazhan mount? The new one is annoying as it’s a Mythic so only farmable once per week per toon. :frowning:

I got super lucky on the new one, got it on like the second run through trying to get the Ember Wyrm, had honestly forgotten it was even a drop.

Old one I’ve been trying to get for like a decade though, so there’s that lol


I missed the 16 times part of the statement lol

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I thought the Ember Wyrm was a guaranteed drop? I got it the only time I ever did the silliness required to spawn him.

It took me a long time to get this mount but just keep working at it.

Nah it’s 20% chance for every person in the group that doesn’t have it. So it’s guaranteed if you ran a full group, but only 20% on your own. I think I got it on the third or fourth run.

All the mythic dungeon mounts from BfA? Did you get them current or afterwards?

I got lucky with Mim’s Head. Got it while farming a piece of transmog gear.

Yeah Emberscale took like 4-5 runs for me.

Legion midnight took more and BC Midnight took forever

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Please let me know if it eventually drops.

I’ve been running it since right before they removed it as a raid in 2010.

I have run it since then and I’ve gotten the panther. Funny how both those (Black Panther
and Swift Zulian) dropped with relative ease but the Raptor has yet to even show.

I’d like to stop running ZG, but doesn’t seem to be anytime soon.

Kinda makes me wonder if there’s something that’s stopping the raptor to drop. Like a coding issue or something else.

I should mention that when I say both those dropped with ease, the Swift Zulian isn’t there any longer of course. It dropped for me the last week before ZG was removed as a raid. A guildie and I had been running it for several months for both mounts and as luck would have it, the tiger dropped.

I got BC midnight first time my guild ever killed him in BC. I got lucky there.

Oh nice, I was truly lucky. It wasn’t hard to spawn him, just silly IMO.

Me too and I was new to the guild.

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I plan on starting that soon too, best of luck to you.

Eh, it was a nice throwback to the original. I still have my urn to summon him from BC, would’ve been a nice bonus if I could’ve just used that to summon him in the Legion version too without jumping through any other hoops lol

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Yes and no. It is NOT an assured drop if you go solo or with less then 5 people. You need 5 people - every person adds a 20% chance for it to drop. If someone has it, it means they cannot get it but still add 20%. If its only you, he only has a 20% chance to drop.

People who have it also count towards it dropping.

Source: Me. I ran it every week when it was new and current till everyone had it. Dropped every week even when someone already had it.

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