SoM characters should be able to transfer to any realm they want

(deleted above post to make sure its directly replied to you )
Something is wrong with you… The core ideals for classic ( noted in the large blizzard post before WOTLK launch - ill link if you need ) stated that community in regards to friends/guild/established relationships are what drives a game like this and retails deviation from this community aspect are what they are seeking to obtain. With that said for them to allow us to move on to wotlk in the classic spirit theyve so clearly defined for them to force you to a realm you have zero connection to and for a lot of people the wrong time zone is just blatantly unacceptable. The fact you are here trying to say hey you made your choice deal with it! take what ever they give you you dont deserve this… you are in part a reason why they get away with treating us like we dont have a voice and how retail ended up where it is. I genuinely believe that you should find someone to talk to about the stuff going on within you because you are projecting your personal issues onto video game FORUMS. None of us here are looking to be berated or subjected to your skewed negative views. we are asking for a response from the game developer who uses these forums to sometimes make swaying decisions. move along you are a troll


I also agree to an extent that the realm is locked due to the que issues we dealt with. Where i side step and say that its OK for SOM characters to move to existing character realms is that this is a one off unique situation that may or may not ever happen again and the amount of players that affects is pretty small to begin with. Again per their core values they want community - Community is not forcing you to send a character to a realm youve never played on when you have a whole host of years long established characters on a “locked” realm.

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Apparently being told to behave as an adult and take accountability for one’s decisions = trolling :upside_down_face:.

It’s pretty simple: I don’t like seasonal realms so I choose not to play on them. I despise transfers since they are undeniably too destructive of a tool to be used in any circumstance unless it’s a last resort. Most of the posters ITT campaigning for their personal pick of the litter for realm destinations are even worse. They knowingly chose to play on a realm-type they don’t like, ruined their own communities with transfers, and then, not only do they demand the rules of the season be changed, but they expect to be absolved of their responsibilities for abandoning their native realm. This thread is a testament to their short-sighted selfishness that should not be rewarded.

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Well it’s a good thing you aren’t making any decisions for blizzard.


You cannot continue that community you found in SoM on the same destination server with others from SoM? Blizzard is preserving your SoM bonds with your SoM guilds by keeping them together.

It’s difficult for me to see the case to be made for allowing a certain group to bypass the locks on servers for any reason. Yes the locks were implemented to help deal with queues but unless Blizzard shares their data we don’t know whether the populations are at a level that will allow them to unlock the servers again. There are many players and guilds that got separated from their characters that would like to get back together. Locks may never be removed as new servers were spun up to handle the overall population.

I too would like things to be a bit different but Blizzard has to see and do what’s best for the game. Wrath is still an option and we are getting the opportunity to stay with our friends made in SoM. That’s still a positive and not a betrayal of a core value as I see it.


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Its called SEASON of Mastery dude. Holy macarel are you living in a different world or what?

I cant imagine why you are so caught up on it being seasonal and them sending us to WOTLK lmao get over it its happening thats not what we are trying to discuss on this thread… yikes you are so bent outta shape its worrying


Seems like everyone in here arguing against are just saying they don’t want transfers to Wrath at all. This was stated months ago as an option and isn’t even the topic of this thread.


Honestly, I think the majority of us have made our point here.

Also the fact that its been 2 or 3 days now and no response from Blizzard, gives me a good deal of hopium that they’re addressing the issues stated in this forum specifically. We’ll see what happens.

The reason they closed to xfers is because of a technical issue where people tried to xfer to realms where they had characters of the opposing faction and that wouldnt work. I wholeheartedly hope that theyve seen the messages across the 3 big threads that are existing and realize that where they are forcing us to move isnt in line with the values the claim to hold for classic and make a decision change… The people with negativity here about the WOTLK continuation or harassing us regarding our concerns were at least helpful in thread engagement and your post didnt get lost in oblivion so we can thank them for that

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While I think this is a nice gesture in theory, the theory falls apart because you can split off to era or wrath servers. I know a great deal of SoM players that want to play era for PvP, and a great deal of other players that want to go to wrath.

I personally don’t really care for being with my SoM guild again, and if I did I would rather be on Skyfury because thats where they went to already. If Blizzard wanted me with my SoM guild, they’d open SoM transfers to there too. Though, as a fresh server, I can see why they wouldn’t. Tricky situation.

But yeah. I dunno. That idea certainly is very nice, and maybe thats what Blizzard thought when only allowing SoM characters to go to one realm only, between era and wrath. But, I think most people value the communities on their home servers rather than with SoM guilds, and I think this thread may have given them some insight into that idea as well. Maybe. We’ll see.

The problem i have with moving forward with the SOM community for horde is that even on jom gabbar as AQ gates opened the decline of active players fell dramatically and only 2 guilds actually cleared naxx as there was about 30+ when MC was out. Theres no one for us to move forward with everyone quit so going to our home realms we have existing characters on ( even though they are locked ) is the only way we can find value in this offer theyve presented too us… Even if you dont have a home realm on your account you should be able to freely pick ANY unlocked realm.

Bro I felt so bad for horde on SoM, I just straight up wouldn’t attack unless attacked by them. Different situation on Grobb, where I feel no remorse for killing on sight. :slight_smile:

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Horde was doomed to fail regardless because of how pve centric som was in general


I have simply stated that it was not something I personally wanted or expected. I understood that seasonal could mean a wipe at the end which is why once beta for SoM was completed and they announced you could move to Era on conclusion if you wished was surprising to me. I’m not against that nor am I against the further change in terms that was announced in August to allow movement to a Wrath server. It’s not something I am choosing it was, as it appeared to me, an unexpected gift from Blizzard.

Do I believe that the potential benefit to Era was harmed by the additional option? In my opinion yes. If someone wanted to continue playing that beloved character at level 60, my feeling is that Era is the best place for that. Others feel differently and that’s fine. Again disagreement isn’t trolling or toxic or out of place here. Those of us that see no issue with the decision that Blizzard reached regarding transfers to Wrath are welcome to voice that here as that’s the purpose of the forum.

I am not entirely pleased and have put forward one primary suggestion: include Earthfury in the transfer destination along with (or better yet, in place of) Eranikus. I get that Blizzard wants this new realm they spun up during the queue crisis to be successful but the health of a long standing server like Earthfury is, I would argue, even more important.

edit the Blizz thread for SoM transfers was unpinned at approx 2:50p EDT so perhaps something is happening
edit2 so this happened

So now my question is does this mean that realms that are locked now are planning to be unlocked by the time SoM transfers are enabled? Or will those locked realms still be unable to receive transfers? Because if you are allowing SoM characters to bypass locks this is extremely unfair to those on the locked servers that want to get all of their characters currently in Wrath consolidated on their main/locked server.

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It would of been fine if everyone stayed yes, but it wasn’t the case, I was one of the last to leave after my guild disbanded, do you think I should of stayed there to impress you? Was I supposed to run MC solo? How about 5 man’s, could I of done them solo?

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Arielba just being Arielba. Has to comment on anything and be derogatory

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Transfer will be opened, but read this:

Additionally, we’ll soon be removing the restriction from Classic Era realms that prevents players from having both Horde and Alliance characters on the same PvP realm. This should make it easier to consolidate your characters in the same place on Classic Era, should you choose to move your SoM characters there.

This is so not Classic!

same. sometimes I would let hordies get a kill, just so they were happy :expressionless: