SoM characters should be able to transfer to any realm they want

We won Myste, gg get rekt Miffy, Despitebeing lol owned


True, the guy didn’t even know what diamond flask was until about a month ago, I shouldn’t bother arguing with him seeing as he clearly doesn’t even play the game.

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/salute comrade

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Owned. But you are responsible FoR yOuR aCtIoNs!


Also Aggrend, I knew you were the homie

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Nope there should be a destination realm for them. You’re lucky you get to come here anyway.

Imo they should have gave you all a new locked server. No transfers inbound or outbound.

They just said it’s been changed, you’re too late to troll, you lost.

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Hey, thanks everyone for making noise. Even if you agreed or disagreed with the outcome, I’m just glad we could all come together and discuss what should’ve been done.


I didn’t lose anything. I’m not trying to troll anyone. It’s how I felt. SOM had unfair advantages over classic. Your progression and achievements are a lie.

Hahaha this dudes so bitter lol
Ok so you’re playing a 58 DK and we’re going to be playing a level 60 warr/lock/mage/etc is that really unfair?
My character in grobb who I played since day 1 of classic launch doesn’t even have the aq20 achievement which I did hundreds of runs for, do you really think our som chars are going to have all the right achievements, highly doubt, don’t even care about achieves, just happy to play with friends

“Your achieves and progression are all a lie!”
Literally does not even affect you anyways


Yoooooo we did it


Who cares bro, it is a video game. Classic really just ends after wrath anyways. Let’s not forget wrath is THE easiest wow expansion of all time. Literally

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lmao I transferred this dude to eranikus already. But at least blizz realized their mistake.
I need to stop paying for these intial garbage decisions followed by dmg control. GL everybody.


Free transfers to any wotlk realm my boys


They should have funneled them all to classic era. It’s not fair SoM got to go to WoTLK.

Happy for all 17 of you!


Thank you brother… we put time and effort into these characters and it means a lot to us that we play where we are established


Benediction here we come!

why do you care so much what other players are doing?


thank you to all the troll mouth breathers for the thread engagement that boosted us too the top for the satisfactory response and change from our overlords at blizzard