SoM 2 PvP Leak; Will NOT Play!

In your opinion, which ability is more important than purge?

Did you know that purge = damage?


Lazarak rotation:

  1. Purge
  2. Drool
  3. Chain lightning
  4. Release button
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Frosstfire looks exactly how I imagine he looks.

He is giving off South Park WoW player vibes

WB andy just mad I don’t like WBs. Sad.

I am a WB Andy and Classic Era fresh Andy. But I can admit that.

You cannot admit any of your faults.

Requiring people to deprive themselves of sleep, account share / bot, AFK in AV, etc… that doesn’t sound like a great system.

Hard to admit faults when you don’t have any.

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Don’t have the time, don’t do the grind.

Don’t move the goal post for players who would rather buy gear with real currency.

Actually it depends on the scenario

Am I killing a druid at this time? Then my rotation would typically be:

2. rocket boots
3. Purge fap off druid/shield, etc
4. tremor
5. grounding
6. Tidal charm healer
7. grenade his support
8. reposition myself to EM CL/drop wf for war
9. dps until assumed dead, move in to repick flag

more keybinds than you have ever bounbd in your life


I’m not changing the PVP system, Blizzard is.


Lolololololololol oh my god, best Frosstfire post I’ve seen

I’m glad Blizzard is ruining PVP in classic so people like you two can cry about it.

Doesn’t really change my gameplay at all. I just gank lowbies for fun anyway.

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I’m not entirely convinced Frosstfire even plays.

He may literally just sit on the forums and troll.

His account is private so people can’t see anything and aren’t able to verify any of his claims.

Seems a little suspicious to me :thinking:

because you can’t gank players your level, because you suck.


Hot damn you can’t read, can you?
Imagine thinking that botting / account sharing and/or afking is just about “having time” xD

Look, man… just because you want to be a smelly 450 lbs whale with no friends at the end of the “grind”, doesn’t mean that 99.9% of the playerbase wants to.


I do play. I gank lowbies or do BGs for fun on my alts.

I quit WOTLK cause it’s lame.

I’m also leveling a warrior and mage on era.

I leveled in SoM and then just ganked lowbies the entire time.

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But you suck at wow.

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I think when you remove any of the grinding that R14 takes, you diminish the value the gear has.

Some accounts bot. Does that mean everyone who gets R14 bots? No.

Don’t worry, soon enough you’ll be able to purchase R14 through the in-game shop
And it’ll be accessible to every loser wannabe who couldn’t do the grind.

I don’t but also you don’t have to be good to gank lowbies. That’s why it’s fun. They can’t do anything.

I think a PvP system without BGs and only world PvP would be awesome