Yet no one does. If that was true, then all these sync exploiters wouldn’t need to exploit to get wins
No one goes in random BGs with a 5 man group?
Like, they try to put together a full premade and only get 4 and just say screw it?
They do because that’s the group limit. But they sync multiple because they can’t win with just a 5 man lol
Most of them don’t play unless they have a large group because they will lose without it.
What I am proposing is that, it only takes a group of 5 geared and experienced players of the right composition (with voice comms) to make it almost a guaranteed win in most Randoms. At what point will the loser community be satisfied? I’m guessing even with gear scaling making everyone equal (and negating the motivation of 3/4 player archetypes) there will still be a loser caucus on the forums complaining about class balance.
If they are decent sure. Not arguing that.
What exactly do you mean by this? Sure, there are people that hate losing like sync “communities”, but most people I have talked to and played with including myself don’t care about a loss if the game was fun.
Thankfully that will never come back. It never worked.
Sure, there will always be someone complaining about something. Why does that matter?
But you can master your skill at max level. Twinks do it for an unfair advantage against players who are “passing by” and to me that is cringe.
They absolutely do. That is probably 90% of the appeal. Before there were any intrinsic rewards to the activity pwning noobs was its own reward.
But there is also an enjoyable aspect to building a gimmicky toon that is OP using completely legal items and talents combined in a way that is probably unintended. Or super rare BoE weapons with a powerful proc.
Without the activity of twinking, those super rare items have almost no value. Building a rogue with Claw of the Shadowmancer for example. If you aren’t going to use it to pwn noobs in BGs its value is shortlived.
If that’s not enjoyable to you, that’s fine. But finding enjoyment in that doesn’t make you a lesser player. After all, it’s a team sport and there’s nothing stopping both teams from having twinks. Likewise, not doing so might mean one side doesn’t have a twink so if you enjoy doing that, you should.
Getting really good at max level is cool. If you like doing that, that’s awesome. But you aren’t special because you do what makes you feel good. you’re just the same as any other player. There’s just more mechanics that reward your dopamine driven desire.
Cool motive, they’re still cringe
Welcome to MMOs. We’re all cringe.
This is a game of combat my friends. I encourage all communities to evolve beyond epic bgs and incorporate more OPEN WORLD PVP. That’s what this game was made for. RR will lead by example.
The easiest way to solve the premade crap is this.
Create a surrender option to where the majority can vote to end the BG right there with no deserter.
BAM you just took away the premades only fun./ They will not be able to spend the 40 minuetes just farming and dragging it out.
Will it happen? Nope because its too easy.
RR will lead by example
Stop trying to recruit for your premade guild
I’m not we get plenty of recruits everyday buddy. You should know I’ve been seeing you in front of Org lol
we get plenty of recruits everyday
That’s strange because I rarely see anyone in RR
WPvP has always been the lowest IQ form of PvP in WoW. It’s always been about bringing the biggest zerg, whether it’s 5 v 1 or 40 v 5 or 2 raids v 1 raid. This was true when the closed beta PvP server launched in the first half of 2004 and it’s true now.
And no, the game was not made for WPvP. While it wasn’t a complete afterthought, it was never more than a sideshow.
You must be new lol the very first aspect of wow pvp was world pvp.
You really struggle with comprehension.
I’ve been playing since the pvp closed beta server was launched late spring/early summer 2004.
WPvP was the first PvP because it required almost nothing to implement. Creating the ruleset for a pvp server required little work and they did absolutely nothing for WPvP systems like many MMO’s have. There were no objectives, you couldn’t level through WPvP, etc, etc.
You really seem to like to argue and you just take shots without contributing anything other than childish insults. I think I’m going to go back to ignoring you.
Best thing as an individual is to not queue , /afk or unsub.
your time is worth more than this trash
You can’t do anything without throwing around baseless insults can you.
Cool? that doesn’t make you immune from being wrong.
No because they haven’t put any bg’s or anything in. They had pvp stats and gear already.
What “childish” insult did I contribute? Of course you would ignore someone that proves you wrong smh. It’s no wonder you need to hide in your echo chamber.
Man…I’d do anything to be able to go back to the first 4 months of OG wow before they introduced BGs. My server was so crazy active and ashenvale was amazing.