SOLVED* Party frame (Raid style) Resize script?

EDIT: After a long arduous journey Muleyo has blessed us with an addon to have the old functionality of the party frames resize script restored.

Huge thanks, definitely worthy of your support :slight_smile:

------ repaste of my post from the beta forums below -------

Resizing scripts for extending width do not work as they always have in the past. And to make matters worse, scripts for extending debuff placement and growth were gutted as well.

Basically information that previously was easily visible has been stripped away.
This change is game breaking for a lot of players, myself included.

This is one area of the UI that actually went backwards. It isn’t old players whining about ‘change’ for the sake of it, the functionality has regressed rather than improved.

Aside from these two issues, there are still other basic geometry, layout, and bounds issues that needlessly inhibit customization that players had before.

For example the script:

  • /run CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameWidthSlider:SetMinMaxValues(72, 500)

This would allow you to increase the width slider values to allow you to make it whatever size you wanted, which would in turn allow you to see necessary debuffs always within the frame. A simple hamstring slow is an important debuff

If you didn’t want to use this method you had the option to draw your own:

  • /run CBT=“CompactDebuffTemplate”;function mb(ff3) for p=7,12 do ff3.debuffFrames[p]:ClearAllPoints();ff3.debuffFrames[p]:SetPoint(“BOTTOMRIGHT”, ff3.debuffFrames[p-3], “TOPRIGHT”, 0, 0) end end;
  • /run function CBF(pr,i) bf=CreateFrame(“Button”,pr:GetName()…“Debuff”…i,pr,CBT);bf.baseSize=22;end;function mv(u) mb(u);for k=4,6 do f2=u.debuffFrames[k];f2:ClearAllPoints();f2:SetPoint(“TOPRIGHT”, u.debuffFrames[1], “TOPRIGHT”, -(22*(k-3)), 0) end end
  • /run function mv3(call) CompactUnitFrame_SetMaxDebuffs(t,12); if(not t.debuffFrames[4]) then for j=4,12 do CBF(t,j) end end mv(call) end;hooksecurefunc(“CompactUnitFrame_UpdateDebuffs”,function(F) mv3(F) end);

This would extend the amount of debuffs visible on the party frames and cause them to grow outward of the frame in a nice like 3x3 grid. Notably somebody like CDew (AWC competitor / champion) used this method.

I would really like to see either the old frames and options restored, or the functionality greatly improved to allow not only the things that were possible in the past but customization past that. Also make the bounds unrestricted for the raid frames since it doesn’t make sense to not be able to move something closer to the edge of your screen when a user will never use that space otherwise.

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Can’t you just go: Edit Mode > Party Frames > Use Raid-Style Party Frames, then adjust the Width and Height sliders?

That said, the frame is now called: CompactPartyFrame

I need the frame to be bigger than the bounds allowed by default, specifically width.

This has been possible for years with the previous default ui.

Still hoping for a response / fix.

The edit mode sliders have dynamic names. So the easiest solution would be to /fstack, get the exact name, tweak the macro to match and run it.

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I’ve more or less done this but still haven’t had success, but thanks for a helpful reply.

If you have a guess I’m all ears.

Left is the party frame, right is the edit mode ‘slider’

It’s 203 in the screenshot on the right.

yeah I don’t know, tried like 20-30 more combinations and no luck.

/run CompactPartyFrameEditModeSystemSettingsDialog.Settings.1e78ce42480.Slider:SetMinMaxValues(72, 500)
/run CompactPartyFrameEditModeSystemSettingsDialog:SetMinMaxValues(72, 500)

I think since the old frames used the actual raid frames hook it just isn’t going to work. I wish it was possible just to manually edit the game file.

sadge. So unfortunate they removed things.

The more annoying thing is that addons only affect scale and not length or width individually. Please tell me this is an oversight.

bump :crying_cat_face: t_t

In other disappointing news I found the specific reference to the slider position for the UI string, and for kicks and giggles I tried more or less every logical value and nothing would post results outside of the maximum bounds. Was using a ascii/hex table for reference but did go ahead and try random values as well.

Sanity is slowly draining.

I’m also disappointed. I like using the default raid frames but for years have made them smaller than the minimum slider allows. They seem huge now and I wish I could reduce them further.

Have you had any luck? I’m also swirling the drain with this… It feels like it might be time to drop the default raid frames for the first time and I really don’t want to. :frowning:

Nope, edited my post with beta forum stuff.

At this point planning on shelfing rdruid since it more or less isn’t playable due to not being able to see the necessary information at a glance.

It’s a little tricky. If you use this snippet, they will resize after you open/close editmode or join a group or something.

/run hooksecurefunc("DefaultCompactUnitFrameSetup", function(frame) frame:SetSize(40, 40) end)

Triggering the resize manually isn’t very easy, so far my attempts at calling any of the CompactRaidFrameContainer Update/Layout functions have all resulted in a tainted editmode.

Interesting, I’ll mess with it when I get home in an hour or two.

Surprised it doesn’t use the CompactPartyFrame reference

CompactUnitFrame is used both for party and raid, they are the individual frames themselves. The container they are in is different for party and raid. I think you can use frame.isParty inside the function to do different setups for for party or raid.

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Anything is better than nothing. Still always easier to throw a script in a text file than worrying about addons.

Looking forward to playing around with it. Thanks for the insight.

/run hooksecurefunc(“DefaultCompactUnitFrameSetup”, function(frame) frame:SetSize(200, 80) end)

Basically this got me back to where I wanted to be, still has drawbacks to the previous UI.

It does use a scaling function so I had to resize bigdebuffs slightly but it’s a one time deal so not the worst.
And like you mentioned it does more or less break the edit UI, but the only downside to that is the actual raid frames are scaled as well which shouldn’t affect me going into DF. (No desire to raid with group loot)