[solved] ACCESS_VIOLATION WoW Crash since 11.0 - (bluepost attached)

Thanks for the info, I’ve made an edit in my initial post.
Good luck for those who still got that crash.

After about 7 hours of testing/playing, the game seems to be stable again. Not even 1 crash. Previously the game would crash anywhere from right after logging in or just a few minutes later. Totally unstable. I only have the Multi-threaded Rendering UNCHECKED . Other options are still checked. YMMV.


Disabling ElvUI definitely helped resolve the issue with the game immediately crashing however I experienced the crash again even though I have no addons enabled.

Following the suggestion of setting the render distance to 100% seems to have helped as I haven’t had a crash since.

I got the access_violation error again yesterday when I was clicking on the Transmog-Guy in Trial of Styles but it only occured once. Since I re-enabled my addOns, it could be also related to them. (Renderscale 100%, Additional video options enabled)

To note my FPS where constantly increasing and then a crash would happen. I seen there’s been a update/patch as well from then to now.

Talked with my tech guy with over 25 years of experience about ‘access violation’ crashes and he directed me to BIOS screen and turn off overclocking ram and that seems to be working for me for now, i would also add that if you have any other overclocking turn that shiz off no reason for it specially for WoW.

I’ve had a new one the last couple of days. On first logging in, my banker in my garrison, + TSM + ATT, would disconnect every time I opened the mail or bank or talents or various other things. After 3-5 attempts it would eventually settle down & allow me to continue.

One of the posters in TSM’d discord pointed me towards a work-around (which apparently relates to Blizzard’s throttling of add-ons in instances). So when I first log in, I have to exit the garrison & then do one of those things. After that I can walk back into the garrison & continue.

Not a fix, nor a root cause for any of the other issues posted, but related.


After the bluepost maintioned this was fixed, I’ve re-enabled both options, no crashes for about 8h of playtime in 3 days

Yep, new one here – opening the map causes a crash when Shadowed Unit Frames is installed. Greeeeat.

Mines giving me this error before I can even get in the game to adjust all these settings! Was playing fine yesterday but now it’s just not working! Ah! Help! Please!


It’s now September and this still isn’t fixed for me. I have done everything from a completely wiped computer and fresh wow with no addons. Nothing works. Every toon i try either crashes during loading, right as it loads or like less than a minute into the game even if i do absolutely nothing and just stand there.

I am having the same issue. Sometimes it is fine, sometimes it crashes all the time. I sent in a ticket, they didn’t mention any of the threads/blue posts about the issue. Just generic try clearing folders/clean installing that was not even from someone. Said I did that and then a CS person replied with the thing literally copy and pasted. Incredible we are having an issue like this with really no updates or anything.

I turned multithreading off and it seems to be working for now.

Nevermind…crashed again.

Sometime after the patch today, there was a ~400 Mb update for me. Not sure if this was the fix or if it was Bnet finally fixing a corrupt file, but I SEEM to be ok for the moment. Try using the scan and repair tool and maybe it will do the same for you guys? Notable other things I did was use the Nvidia uninstaller to removed graphics driver and then reinstalled it. My RNGesus help us all that this is fixed