So after taking a look at a recent thread regarding Kul’tirans and their appearences, specifically regarding how they are a new skeleton, most people seemed to just keep referring to Kultirans as “fat humans.” it got me thinking.
There are too many elves with the same skeleton as is in the game, I think.
So a solution to bring high elves in the game, with a new skeleton, just make them fat. This way we have a new model, but people get their high elves, and we can just, as we do with Kultirans, refer to them as “fat elves” Rather than high elves. Use the Kultiran body, but with the blood elf head, and blue eyes. Problem solved.
Everyone wins. The game needs fat elves!
You have my full support sir.
I will never feel complete until I can be a BBHEW.
Perfection called, they want to sue you for copyright!
I’m just gonna leave my vague support right here…
puts it down
So, we all saying that the Alliance should be all fat races?
/looks at self
What we also need is really fat Orcs.
Lol i mean if you put kultirans with smoother facial structures, bigger eye brows and ears i mean i guess?
I can definitely get behind that. And trolls, but like this: Perfectly skinny and the same as now but with a massive gut.
Wouldn’t a fat elf be equivalent to an average human? 
Only from the people that can’t let High Elves go…
Remember Kul’tirans. People don’t want to play Fat Races and it shows.
It’s not a debacle. It’s fine. people need to get a hobby. This is the most disgusting side of the WoW community.
On one hand, seeing high elf beggers continue to seethe is the most entertaining bit about the forums. On the other hand, I want to just give you guys blood elves so you’d just shut up already.
I think the irony is that Blizzard gave us Void elves, thinking that would be the solution. Like they were doing Alliance a favor. I actually love void elves. They are basically high elves just with a twist. I genuinely thought people would be thrilled, and I think Blizzard did too. Boy was I wrong.
The only clear solution is to delete all elves from the game.
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That’s so crazy it just might work!