Solution to the consorship

They didn’t have a father, not one that protected and guided them into adulthood anyway.

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The real question is why are people so attached to the belief they need to protect everyone from low resolution cleavage and farting?

Some sort of illiberal morality police.


No, the real question is why was this 1 month old thread resurrected.

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This! Are you guys seriously that upset about pictures being changed and emotes as well? If it doesn’t affect my gameplay then why should I really care? I get it’s dumb changes with the emote but still it’s not that much to get angry about. The changes happened, that’s it. I’m more concerned for my favorite games future than those emotes. Just move on and figure out what needs to be fixed and help them out.

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Because finding something new to complain about is too much work, I reckon.

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well, kinda

“Consorship” is actually extremely accurate, seen that “Twin Consorts” was axed. :stuck_out_tongue:

You probably should learn who controls the EPA.
The EPA is an independent executive agency It is supervised by the sitting POTUS (through the POTUS’s nomination of its Director), Now, to be sure, the EPA is funded through Congressional acts, but the Congress simply allocates how much money a given department such as the EPA will be given in a particular fiscal year and passes statutes that the EPA must then implement through regulation.

By directing the EPA to take down their webpage the President of the United States was giving an order under his authority as President to an independent executive agency, which is compelled by its charter and the authority vested therein. No censorship in that at all. Simply a President giving an independent executive agency (independent does not mean autonomous) a direct order that would implement the policy or goals his administration believed to be necessary to exercise the overall goals of his administration.

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Well it is for us in a way. Just not a good way. I also want to hear how many employees actually liked the changes.

I don’t think I want to see what game employees that couldn’t handle what was censored can make.

This is a high fantasy video game. Not a social agenda soapbox.


I wonder how hard is for people to understand that the removal of something is done because dont want it to exist.
It is not they want people to choose when to use, or if they want to see it.
Removal means you dont want people to use it, wanting or not to use or see it.

Hard to understand that if someone has a space, a game, they might want to do things the way THEY want to do ?

I myself had this with my mods not once, not twice, but multiple times. People ask you to do things you simply dont want to have done because you dont want YOUR WORK to be used in a certain way.

Other people in the same “community” as I am developing mods have developed games, and mostly, all of them have an instance in which someone asks them to do something, or to allow something they simply wont do.

It is our work, it our right.

From all the things Blizzard does, the least wrong thing they do is impose limits to what they do based on what they want to do. Players might not like it, but if they stick to their ideals, maybe it is because at least they have some.

I wonder why these people talking about “solutions to censorship” are the same people who imply that blizzard should somehow prevent people from harassing coworkers.

See the issue ? IF you imply Blizzard should endorse the use of things they dont want to, it is the same as you endorsing they creating a policy of "opt in " harassment. You sign in there, you can harass anyone as long as you allow anyone to harass you.

How that policy would sound ? Well, sounds exactly like “this emote offends people, ok, sign here and you can use them provided people can use them on you”. Might as well not change anything as you can ignore emotes already.