I have a prot war ready for leveling and get turned off everytime i try to do a quest. Can get groups easy for 5 mans, but there are certain quest lines I want to do as well. Dual spec would be good for the game. I’m not into spending G in between 5 man groups and taking the time to go back to respecc every few 5 mans so I can quest.
Same issue with this char, only reason I didn’t heal for TBC was no dual spec. I like healing but hate spending many hours every week grinding gold so I can respec all the time. Between pvp, raiding, questing, 5 mans, I’d be looking at 500g and up every week.
Allowing you to spec anything you want hasn’t fixed the tank and healer problem in retail, so no, it won’t fix the tank and healer shortage. Aren’t there three more tanking classes in retail as well?
What will fix the tank and healer shortage is dps learning how to not pull aggro, then maybe more people will tank and heal, which I doubt.
Yeah you can’t say yes all the time. I’ll do ST or BFD occasionally but I can’t do it every night, for not even xp. I’m even getting tired of doing ramps. I have no problem with blizzard offering incentives to tanks at the end of a dungeon run
It has been brought up before, but doesn’t seem to generate much discussion. I don’t think anybody actually has any reasonable arguments against it.
I"m sure if it was talked about and began to get support all the anti dual spec people would use most of the same arguments against it that they use against dual spec
It isn’t talked about. People seem to want to argue more than they actually care about Dual Spec or Respecs, imo.
The actual issue is non-existent. It’s more a question of, “Can we argue about something?”
They absolutely wouldn’t, because the same arguments don’t apply.
If the original intent of fees for respecc’ing was to prevent people from respecc’ing often, then that’s a decent argument against lower respec fees and against dual spec.
But that’s about the extent of the overlap.
You guys have my full support, as long as the original system is maintained I have no issue with lowering the cost of respecs.
As long as there’s no dual spec, and as long as a fee is assessed each time someone does it/still has to go back to the main city it’s better than a one time fee in my opinion.
The more and more I think this through, the more and more I lean towards this as being a reasonable thing to do…
I totally agree with this, too.
Because it doesn’t change the meta, it doesn’t change gameplay significantly, and it gives everyone the exact same access to it.
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Make respec costs in and out of prot specs for paladins warriors zero, as long as the prot spec in to or out of is at least 41 points or something.
Not sure about Ferals since Feral is as much DPS as it is for tanking. Prot specs otoh are worthless for anything but tanking.
I still think incentives are the key.
As people have pointed out, most people who tank will tank, and people who won’t, will not regardless of how many specs they get.
Like work, not enough people enjoy their work enough to do it for free. Tanks love tanking, but some incentives will have at least some tanking more than they normally want to.
10 tanks tanking a 5 man for incentives each day is 10 more than the zero more without the incentives.
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You pretty much hit the nail on the head on why there is never enough tanks and heals compared to DPS.
Unless it is for guild members generally speaking people only run a dungeon if there is something they can gain out of it. The main incentives being Gear, Quest Completion, Reputation, & Attunements. However there are 2 factors working against the DPS in this situation.
The Ratio of Tanks needed for a raid vs a dungeon is vastly different so there are less tanks out there in general than there are DPS by dungeon comp percentage
The DPS must compete against the other DPS for drops while the Tank and Healer pretty much get anything they want. For this reason the DPS generally need to end up running the same dungeon more than the Tanks and Healers will.
These two factors combined mean that naturally pugs will be lacking healers but especially lacking tanks. Even if dual-spec was added it would really only help to facilitate DPS running as a Tank or Healer but still wanting to roll on the DPS items.
Your suggestion of a reward only really works when they have the automated grouping systems like they do with the Dungeon Finder and Raid Finder in retail which are something I think most people don’t want added into Classic.
Players already find their own way of adding in additional incentives like reserving the Nether or requiring gold for tanking but since this reward is coming at the cost of the others and not a hidden reward given by the game it comes across very distastefully by the community.
I think the only real solution to this problem would be to make tank and healing items drop less often. This would keep the tanks and healers coming back to more and more dungeon runs filling up the pug scene. (Not saying I am suggesting this but it would be the natural way to counteract the problem directly)
Fantastic explanation of the real problem.
The issue is important to me. Otherwise I’d just be making jokes like I do on many threads.
I can’t say I like the idea of penalising tanks and healers with lower drop rates for being …. tanks and healers.
It is one thing to love tanking or healing, but to be actively punished for choosing either will simply put many off selecting either role.
I actually think attempts to c’hoke’ tank or healers’ gear paths will reduce their numbers rather than increase.
Unless they didn’t know it, but someone will figure it out if they did. Anyways … rng.
Then you would know my previous statement is true. Just look at retail - it’s even done away with dual spec and you can just change whenever you want at literally no cost and it still has a tank and healer shortage
should be free for alliance to combat imbalance just like pservers did
We been over this, no one is going to tank even with quad specs. You are in denial.
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Lol… respec cost is basically 10g now given how easy it is to make gold in TBC. Stop whining.
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