Solution for the PvP situation

I don’t mind bumping threads but I’d prefer to entertain myself in other ways rather than argue with the same 2 posters for what is almost 3 nights in a row.

Good luck to you both, I really do hope you find a more pleasant gaming experience.

The only advice I can give is for you to not blame outside factors and instead do everything you can to provide the most success to your own games. Good night.

You are the one replying to everyone. Maybe stop following people around. Logic here: Someone makes a post about premade vs premade. Bozho REPLIES. Bozho feels so threatened that he must keep getting the last word because he might lose a fight on the obscure wow classic forums…

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So you don’t understand that WSG requires capping 3 flags, AV requires killing the enemy general, AB requires getting 2000 points?

None of those change in a premade or a pug.

Actually that could be kind of interesting, pugs only need to cap 1 flag in WSG, or only get 500 points in AB.

I wonder if we would get along and could even possibly have good gaming sessions together under different circumstances.

It’s not nice for you to hold me to this level of contempt. I won’t rule out a happy ending for us, who knows what the future may bring.


Edit: I’ll try not to respond to you to cause you irritation from now on but maybe we can change our attitude towards each other so that we can learn to love each other more.

We probably could. But you have to try to see our side of the picture, which you will just flat out not do. I understand your point of view, I really do. I do not want to take that away. I hope you understand. It would be nice to have a place for all of us to go, to enjoy.

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I’m sure I could have a good gaming session with you. If you didn’t come into it with the presumption that anyone who pugs is a worthless lazy slacker.

I don’t think you’re worthless, dude. We all have room to grow.

Let’s not do this again.

And how is everyone only doing BG’s as premades growth?

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No. In vanilla people could solo rank to 14 and had full access to gear without queueing into pre-mades all the time. If you want rewards locked into pre-mades and niche PvP cliques go play retail, that’s the reason most people left retail WoW PvP over the years. People subbed to Classic for a vanilla experience, and what is happening now and what you propose are no the vanilla experience.

The solution to the PvP situation is to remove the honor curve from ranking, or to convert honor into currency to buy the PvP gear. The curve is what turns the honor grind into this quagmire of exploiting anything that can be exploited to optimize honor grind efficiency.

Nope… dont like that

You can hit r14 solo too, although it’s a far more up hill battle. The system is gruelling enough as it is, I don’t see why anyone would want to do it alone.

If you’re playing on a stacked server, you should really transfer to a habitat that will suit you better.

And that’s the point you’re missing. A portion of the playerbase inclassic aren’t necessarily looking for maximum progression. They’re not trying to figure out how to grind through the rep or the levels or the rank ASAP nor are they concerned with winning every BG they pop into. They’re just trying to play the game on a more organic level. Queue up, play, win some, lose some, have fun, and log off.

I can’t say that I blame people for min/maxing in classic. I’ve done it in retail as I raided in the upper levels of the game for a while. That can be very fun and rewarding even if some people look at you weird for why you’re treating a video game like a job.

But Vanilla was never really set up with the min/max mentality and everyone who played it back then knew that and those who have quit retail or have grown tired of that mentality wanted to go back to where they could care less and just play to have fun and to be fair a lot of classic allows that more organic play, but as far as PvP is concerned it’s almost entirely taken over by the meta ranking grind.

The players create the meta, it’s your responsibility to decide where you want to go from here.

We’re all aware of that fact.

The point is that telling people to hop on board with it to fix getting pug stomped shows ignorance in what the underlying problem is for what people are seeking out of the PvP game in classic. If the PvP issue is enough to make or break someone from playing WoW you’d be better of telling them to quit than get in on the premade meta.

I think your own nostalgia has warped your perception here. Retail WoW is far more accessible for casual play.

Whether or not you enjoy it, is another matter entirely.

Not really. When I say Vanilla wasn’t set up from a min/max mentality I’m talking about how you can stack 10 different buffs to get an insane power boost, but no one did it in Vanilla because that wasn’t the mentality players had. People weren’t asking raiders to save DM for tribute buffs, save their Ony Head, hit DMF before raid, etc. You got people going crazy for that juju consumable, firewater, mongoose, sharpening stones, etc. Ask anyone who raided in Vanilla and they all say “Yeah, consumables weren’t really a thing.”

That’s what I’m talking about.

Retail definitely has a lot more casual friendly access to. No attunements, quick leveling, easy mode raid version, etc. But that’s not the same as talking about the min/max mentality that Vanilla wasn’t for. Retail IS designed with a lot of questioning about “How do we make all this balanced. How are players going to react to this?”

Vanilla’s PVP system is diabolical. I don’t know about your old realm, but facing premades was common place back then too.

Raiding and PVP is far more accessible in retail and provides the different brackets of play that is being suggested.

I find comparing them a little redundant. I don’t think you wish to go back and I would never suggest you do that if it was against your own wishes.

I don’t really know my old timeline with pre cross server and post cross server BGs, all I know is I grinded to rank 9 no problem back in the day and never worried about the premade life ruining it for me. Yeah, there were times I got stomped and I’m sure in a pre-cross server BG world you may need to stop playing if you caught on to the fact that a premade was going rampant at the time, but again didn’t really worry about it ruining my day.

I don’t really know what you’re saying here about going back and not wanting to. We’re already here. Again, the progression of ranking wasn’t the main focus for some of people. Some of us literally just wanted to go back and play old school BGs and not put all the focus on ranking.

Assuming we get TBC someday I have a feeling that BG gameplay will be a lot better because, despite what people argue here, with BGs playing a far less important role people won’t feel as inclined to premade so people will magically stop playing with all their friends.

Going back to retail, is what I was implying, sorry. For instance, retail has BG queues with no focus on ranking at all. Like I said though, I wouldn’t suggest that you play a game that you don’t want to.

Best of luck with your gaming, I hope you discover a better experience for yourself.

Ah, I wouldn’t hold out hope for that. TBC will result exactly the same. The only benefit would possibly be that rep grind would be over so you’d see perhaps more players in AV.

My TBC experience, I pretty much had to live in AV, we had no hope winning the other BGs. I was OCE playing on a US realm though, so I couldn’t make as well connections than I can today.