Solution for the PvP situation

Currently with solo que you que into premades. No amount of skill will get you from stomped. Sure you win one once in awhile. Most of the time you get steamrolled. This is fine if you are into self punishment. Its not fine if you want to play a fun game.
So what I and others propose is to separate the solo que from the group que. You will still have competition. You will still face twinks. You will still face High warlords. But you will not face a select group min maxed premade pugstompers. You will face another random group of people who might be really good or really bad, but it will be random. Not premade. This is so clear even a cave man can figure it out.

Isnā€™t that I was directly stating in my post? Come on, dude.

Iā€™m not terrified, I just explicitly stated that if I continue to practice, Iā€™ll be able to contend with them regularly.

So, stop queuing solo. You do this to yourself. Take some initiative.

No you are not, you are defending a playstyle that relies on easy wins against pugs.

You are simply terrified you might have to actually try with your easy wins removed.

OK, dude. Youā€™re projecting hard core. Thereā€™s nothing I can say to convince you otherwise.

Stop being so scared of an idea that would promote fair gameplay. You have no good reason besides your personal feelings on the matter. You condone pug stomps but want to stop fair play. I cannot say the word I want to right now because I would prob be silenced.

/shrug you are the one who is terrified of fighting premades.

Iā€™m totally cool with fighting any pug team when iā€™m pugging. You win some you lose some. You just want easy wins.

We have access to the same tools and resources as each other. You provide yourself with a disadvantage and that isnā€™t anyoneā€™s responsibility than your own.

Sorry when i join as a pug i do not have access to a preset group of teammates.

So, donā€™t join as a pug.

Round and round this discussion we go.

I am going to ask you, errr, ask you again. Do you understand the difference between random and premade? Do you understand one is random generated by the game and one is hand picked for certain class and roles? Do you understand this difference?

Fine with me, I want the post counts to go up.

So just separate the queues.

End result premades only fight premades, pugs only fight pugs. Everyone wins right? Thatā€™s what you want? Premades only in BGā€™S?

That would dry up your pool of easy wins though and you hate that idea.

I do. Can we both understand that queuing solo or joining a group is a choice we can make before entering a game?

I want you to either continue to play casually without a need for success, or to raise your own game by providing us worthy opponents.

Donā€™t get mad at me guys, Iā€™m not putting you in the solo queue.

There should be some kind of prio system that favors putting premades against premades. Maybe not outright, but you could do something semi-sneaky like this blizz.

You already buffed BWLā€¦

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Pugs have the same criteria for success as premadesā€¦

What you would want is to stick to one thread. Splitting the discussion into 100 threads doesnā€™t put it into proper light.

Good discussions that have already been had are being buried by ones that only muster only a few handful of posts.

Since you understand. You also acknowledge the problem and you say the answer it to not join as solo. So you know there is a problem. You want to just ignore the problem because it benefits you and your narrative. We want to fix the problem because not all of us want to be in groups. The best solution would be to separate the que. You cry then because it would make group play go away in your opinion. I do not think that would happen but regardless we still want to fix the problem. You donā€™t.

Do you have comms, the reliance of those who wonā€™t go afk or give up at the first sign of resistance, players who you can support as well as trust?