I’ll put money on it that the premade rate is far less noticeable. but I’m not saying it won’t exist. With arena being the main focus point and IIRC you really only needed to BG for currency to buy the gear after getting the arena rating. To that extent there is value in premading, but not anywhere near the same extent as Vanilla.
Don’t think so. They were the most coveted because you had to be high ranking for them, but I think all of them required a certain rating. In fact I specifically remember stopping matches after hitting a certain arena rating because that meant next week I could get a new piece of gear, which I believe was the chest. I was always a 4/5 gladiator player with a decent weapon for the season through something.
In fact in some googling I found the price of S1 gladiator gear was arena points, which I don’t entirely remember, but here: https:/ /wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Arena_point
I’m too lazy to figure out all the ins and outs of it all cause it probably got changed/updated partway through, but arena is very much so required for the good gear at least at the start of TBC with arena points giving you the best gear. I remember TBC HWL gear as a rare set you could get through grinding BG honor. It was like your starting PvP set that had your set bonuses that people liked to have.
I believe only head shoulders and weapons require a certain rating. Pants, gloves
while tied to arena points, didn’t require a rating.
PvP arena set was only 5 pieces of gear plus weapons/off hand. Everything else was earned through honor. Cloak, amulet, wrists, belt, boots, rings and trinkets were all earned through honor. So it was more than half your gear.
Running premades with my guild all weekend I can definitely say this is false.
Win a lot, lose some. Still PvPing hardcore and fighting efficiently towards the win.
Yes. Honor per hour is important to those people GRINDING ranks
But PvPing for the sake of PvP and doing so in a coordinated environment to assist yourself and others in your games is definitely a lot different than what you pose.
Currently on the west coast bracket we’re running into premades 3/5 times… partial premades 1/5 and pugs 1/5 the last weekend after AB came out.
Does joining a premade fix things? no.
Does joining in a premade HELP you and others towards the goal? Yes.
True - there are a lot of solo players that just want to que and have fun. But having communication doesnt hurt this. There are PUG premades rolling constantly on my server and I join them quite a bit. Does it always work? No. But I have plenty of fun and PvP to my little black hearts content…
The question is SHOULD they fix it? SHOULD they change it?
and my answer is no. This would be catering to the minority, and adding in things not native to Vanilla gameplay. The changes to prevent premade AV’s and to prevent game-dodging are bonuses that werent a problem back in vanilla to the scale they are now and I support them.
I do not support splitting the battlegrounds even further than their recent split into time-zoned battlegroups.
Not that I support that now… It was a terrible decision to break things into battlegroups after 3 months of having it as a full pool with all the servers in it
This is really only true because of two things. Firstly, here’s why
So this is the reason you’re “PvPing hardcore”. You’re running into more than half the time and you can’t premade dodge anymore. Maybe you never bothered with this, but a lot of people did.
Say…what was it that Blizzard broke? I think it started with an S. Scouting maybe?Regardless, it’s weird how people concerned with playing with their friends sent a scout in when they had the option to. Almost like they didn’t want to fight another premade.
Almost like they didn’t want to PvP, even if they were in a coordinated environment.
What part of my posts reflect this? Tell me because I’ve stated otherwise repeatedly.
I’m starting to win against the better teams of my region. I still have a lot more experience to be had before I can beat them regularly but even that will be a matter of time if I stick with it.
Winning or losing against a premade doesn’t take that much longer than beating a pug. Against premades, it all comes down to the first cap.
I’m not interested in ranking high. Farming easy HKs means nothing to me.
I think you want me to admit something that isn’t true for me at all, because it would make your argument valid. The truth is, I’m taking responsibility for my games while you are only making complaints.
I enjoy playing with friends and making new ones along the way. The system never supported solo play, it only ever entertained it. I don’t want to see the meta swing in a direction that was never the most optimal in vanilla’s history. AB and WSG have always been the premade BGs.
The game and it’s systems are flawed, I can admit that. At the end of the day, it’s the version we’ve decided to play and I wouldn’t expect mine, yours, or anyone else’s complaints to change it into something else.
A good WSG match with even teams can last 30+ minutes. A premade rolling a pug is over in 5 minutes. Of course premades are terrified of having those 30 minute matches where they have to actually try.
You don’t want those matches where every flag cap is a fight and the game might end 2/3. As a premade all you care about is getting matched against a Pug team that you can roll 0/3 in minutes.
That change, I still disagree with, and you already know why. 'Cause I’m hopelessly devoted to the idea of Server bound BGs (along with untimed).
This one I agree with. 'Cause nobody should be getting bugged out of a BG.
Which stems from the Solo mentality, and why I think cross-realm BGs are no good. It results in this mindset of, “well, I don’t need to form a Group, to do Group content.”
To which shouldn’t be changed simply because people don’t like it.